Davis Creek Dam?

  • papajon
    Grand Island Ne
    Posts: 175

    Have any of you nebraska guys fished Davis Creek Dam

    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    You will either have the best fishing day of your life or you will have the worst fishig day of your life. There never seems to be any in-between. There are some real hogs in there but they can be really tough to catch 80% of the time but when you hit that 20% when they are going, WATCH OUT!!! That is on the soft water, I don’t know about the ice??

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Zach is right. It can be tough but if you get into them it is worth the trip. If I lived closer I hit it more often. I’ve had a couple days there where you couln’t keep the walleye off. It’s a good idea to fish it in the spring as they draw the water down quite a ways. It seems that once they start letting water out the fishing gets even tougher because they drop it so fast.

    Grand Island, NE
    Posts: 17

    We fish Davis quite a bit throughout the year. Ben is right in that the spring seems to be the best time for walleye. It is very hard to find a pattern and we have been trying for years. There are also a lot of crappie but it is hard to catch anything over 10″ most of the time. Once in awhile you might hang a good one.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    What all these guys are saying seems to hold true, that’s for sure. I’ve only fished there twice, and have yet to catch a fish. I was up there a couple springs back and fished the dam one night because a buddy in GI was up there before that and just hammered the fat walleyes. We didn’t get a thing all night, just terrible. I definitely want to fish it this year though…hopefully I’ll be able to. It reminds me a lot of Elwood, in certain ways.

    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    Right on brotha, a twin sister to Elwood olny without the muskie

    Central City, NE
    Posts: 358

    All of you guys sound like you are trying to scare the poor guy off. It all depends on what you want to catch at Davis. As gwalter said you can always catch the 4-6″ crappie in the flooded timber. But at the same time that 17″ crappie might just decide he wants your jig also.

    The year of the “WALLEYE EXPLOSION” at Davis, in my opinion, coincided with the loss of a great number of alewife from Calamus. Since the alewife have not endured and the shad have, the fishery has changed dramatically.

    As others have said Davis is a lot like Elwood. The drastic dropoffs and extreme draw downs make for some real chances for precision fishing. In the early days of the lake we used to troll it with chartruese shadraps and just kill the walleyes; today you are better off picthing jigs to the points or slabbing the drops.

    Davis is a challenge; but that is why we fish isn’t it?

    Grand Island Ne
    Posts: 175

    Ill have to run up there this spring see what happens I just didnt want to be taking off bullheads all day. Thanks for all the feedback

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