Well, I’m back and I wish I had something great to report to you. The fishing was o.k. but it was tough to find a keeper. Sherman Reservoir has an 18in. minimum size limit and that made it hard to find one for the livewell. We caught several walleye Saturday in practice, but all were short. We fished 7 or so different spots and caught a few eyes off each spot. We always try to find some areas where there aren’t any other boats around. That’s hard to do on that lake with 114 teams. Well, we picked the best 4 spots and hit them hard Sunday morning. My first eye came about 5 minutes into it and it was 17 3/4. I thought for sure we would find some there that were a little bigger. No such luck, they just kept getting smaller and smaller. It’s a terrible feeling to go in with a “0” at the first tournament. As it turns out 10 teams that were in the top 20 in points last year didn’t weigh a fish. View Results Here!!
I know the second place team caught their fish pitching jigs. Most of the others caught theirs difting with live bait. Crawlers seemed to be the most popular followed by leeches for those who were lucky enough to find some this early in the season. The surface water temp was around 54 and the air temp was in the mid 40’s in the A.M. and in the mid 70’s by afternoon. We caught fish anywhere from 6 to 30 ft deep. The lake was lowered 12 feet or so for habitat improvements this winter and it is now about 5 feet from being full. I think I’ll make a trip back up there in between some of my tournaments. I think once the lake is full that it will be a little easier to pin point the larger fish.
Two weeks till the next one. I hope I will have some great stories to report back with after that one.
Ben Garver