Worthless day

  • sinister-fishing
    Omaha, Ne for now
    Posts: 293

    I got to the lake early this morning. We had a good high pressure system move in and the fishing was slow. Real slow! After 8 hours I ended up with 7 crappie and a 13 inch pike. lol… It was still better than working

    Eagle Point Wisconsin
    Posts: 948

    Hey bud, It may have seemed worthless but im guessing if this same weather came back next week you would do something different

    Every time i head out it is my goal to learn something new no matter how the fish bite. You are always able to take something away from an experience on the ice or water.

    Keep after em! Warmer weather is bound to come…..at least i hope lol

    Wisconsin Dells WI
    Posts: 908

    I was working today and you were fishing..Im jealous. Like you said it was better than working.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3909

    I had to go to the cities the take the wife shopping…

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Ya really. I just got done workin 48 hrs in 4 days, so I’m jealous as well. But now I have 6 off….

    Minneapolis, MN.
    Posts: 195


    I had to go to the cities the take the wife shopping…

    you should have hit me up, i got spots near all the major shopping centers. lol

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