I’ve been hearing that these invasive little SOB’s are all over in the Platte River and the Missouri River now. I’ve got a curious question in regards to this!! I’m hoping Daryl will answer this one in a polite way . Are there any regulations against snagging for these in the river? BUT the real question I’m really hoping to get answered is this one though<<<< Would it be illegal to take a shotgun to these things while they are in the middle of one of their airborne flights?? I can only imagine how much fun that would be but have a feeling someone would frown upon this sort of behavior
After all, would someone care if we started blasting away at Zebra Mussels??
I did read the the regulations about snagging in the Missouri River under certain dates, but curious if they will change that or will that open up a whole new bag of worms? I’m sure there will be “those” guys that snag anything and everything and say that they were trying to Asian Carp! BUT, there was “NOTHING” stated about the Shotgunning Asian Air Carp!!