31″ 10.91# On a fly rod

  • Husker26
    Gretna, NE
    Posts: 143

    I had a buddy text me that his guiding company caught this on a fly rod!! http://www.thereefflyshop.blogspot.com/
    Hope this comes up. He thinks it might be a world record caught on an 8# tippet. They didn’t get a very good picture on their blog but that’s a pig.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    Great fish…
    Not uncommon to get big female Walleyes during the Steelhead spawning run in the Great Lakes area in the spring. My PB, a 33″er was caught the same way 9 years ago,
    on an 8# tippet and 9′ 7wt rod. I couldn’t claim a record because Walleye season was not open yet.

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