I worked up a just over another acre that was intended for a garden. Well after reality hitting, changed our minds and need to get it seeded for another plot.
Other than ground cover for the summer, I don’t care about summer/early fall grazing. This plot has a lot of competition for drawing any deer.
Currently have 3 acres of mixed clover/chickory/rape/grasses. 9 acres of corn, 8 acres of early oats that will be late seeded with alfalfa.
So with the large scale plots I have, I really want to enhance the area with another late fall/winter food source. Brassicas gets hammered after the first major frost and the leaves sugar, but never lasts long here. Beans and late oats/wheat are awesome until snow covered. After the snow knocks them down, the deer go back to the corn.
Regardless of what goes in, I’m adding mini pumpkins and black sunflowers
Any thoughts on anything unusual or outside the normal “food plot seed” This is a good chance to roll the dice on something different. Oh, additionally the bur oaks I have in my tree planting stands are all producing acorns now. So that adds a new element to the plan