Need Security Camera Batteries

  • ThunderLund78
    Posts: 2960

    I have 4 outdoor solar-charged wireless Arlo security cameras and a doorbell. They’ve worked awesome for 4 years, but the internal batteries all finally gave out (2 years past their life expectancy). Doorbell still works but that’s hardwired. Timing is bad. Leaving for up north for a few days tomorrow but the 16 yr old is staying home alone because he has to work. He’s a good kid but has a girlfriend now plus there’s a few friends I don’t trust… and if he knew what I did when my parents left me alone at that age before security cameras… well, then I’d be a hypocrite rotflol More or less, I like to know who’s coming and going.

    Anyway, I trust him. But like Ronald Reagan said – “Trust but Verify”. We’re still going up north, obviously, but I’d feel more comfortable with the cameras on. I checked all the big box retailers that sell Arlo and it looks like it’s shipping-only but they wouldn’t get here in time. BatteriesPlus MIGHT have what I need but it would cost 3X as much for what is honestly probably an aftermarket battery of less quality. Anyone else know of any specialty battery places I could check? Otherwise it’s just locking up the booze and talking with the neighbors to keep an eye out. razz

    Grasston, MN
    Posts: 469

    A good neighbor and nothing to entice them will at least get you to your destination with a clear mind. After three teenagers… if they want to do something, they will figure out a way.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    LOL, our neighbors left their teenager alone a while back. She shut off the WiFi so the cameras didn’t work. )

    Posts: 2960

    Agreed! And I know he will – that’s part of growing up. But I’m more worried about the others kids taking advantage of it (it’s happened before with kids from this group, I have good reason to be suspicious and I’ll leave it at that) – I’d rather have it be somewhere other than my house when they “figure out a way.” smile

    Posts: 4564

    To make you feel better the neighbors left there 16 Daughter home while they went to Denver last month and I have never seen so many cars parked up and down the street that Saturday night, Kids coming and going all night till the cops showed up. LOL

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22383

    I used to throw some crazy ragers back in the day. My dad nearly killed me once after one of them. I was dumb enough to do it again. But man those memories are still ones my buddies and I bring up.

    Posts: 2960

    To make you feel better the neighbors left there 16 Daughter home while they went to Denver last month and I have never seen so many cars parked up and down the street that Saturday night, Kids coming and going all night till the cops showed up. LOL

    I was in a garage band in high school and when my parents went away on an overnight to a wedding, I threw a rager and the band played in the living room. We lived in the country so it wasn’t a neighborhood spectacle. I was kicking friends and their girlfriends out of my bed, my PARENTS’ bed, hosing down puke in the bushes at 4 AM, picking up beer cans around the property as the sun came up… It was like a movie, it was awesome. And yes, my parents found out, but it was after the fact and I was off to college in a few months so they didn’t say anything until a few years later…

    Anyway, again, we’re still going and will let him buck for the weekend, but I’d prefer to have the security cameras working. Just wanting to know if there’s any other places I’m not thinking of besides BatteriesPlus.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12684

    I’m no help on the battery portion, but kids are dumb and I (like many here) know most of the tricks. I’d leave something with the kid and tell him ______ (someone he fears a bit like Uncle Donny, the mayor or chief of police) was going to swing by after the Twins game Friday to pick this up. And since this is all made up, text him late Friday and say Uncle Donny couldn’t make it today, he will be by Saturday night. Should get you a good weekend, but likely not available to use again or he will call your bluff. rotflol

    Posts: 5321

    Amazon has generic 2 packs for cheap, overnight delivery where I’m at in mpls. Have used the generic charger station for half a year w good results, can’t say anything about the batteries.

    My batteries were dead w no charger b4 mexico trip this winter, bad mistake. Oldest 2 had a party and F’d their chances of ever having another one. I told em too bad for them, I’m a pretty liberal parent when it comes to leashes and exploring boundaries but you push those and are disrespectful to the house it’s iron fist time.

    Just don’t get it, my house was one of the go tos back in the day but I left it spotless for when mom or dad would get home. They never noticed, or saw no harm no foul and life resumed on.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3209

    Ya’ll were wild growing up toast

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12684

    Ya’ll were wild growing up toast

    Growing up in the 90’s and 00’s were a wild time! And that’s all I will really say about that online. rotflol rotflol

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11146

    FYI – getting the smell of Bong water out of the carpet before the parents come home is not EZ. crazy doah

    Posts: 5321

    Easier than your buddy blowing a big ol Bong cherry onto the carpet perfectly timed w me stepping back onto it making a black hole chased

    Only reason mom knew something was suspicious bc i rearrnaged the entire living room to cover it up.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22383

    Lol the time my dad almost killed me we had a group of chick’s dancing in the kitchen and one of them used the fridge door for balance, she some how fell and pulled the door to freezer open and it tipped the fridge over. The door hindges got so bent it wouldn’t shut. Man those were some fun days.

    Posts: 2960

    Haha, so far so good. The one camera that still works is the front doorbell because it’s hardwired. Got a video today of my son grabbing a package off the front step, which is the new batteries, ironically. But he’s none the wiser, we didn’t tell him they were on the fritz so as far as he knows the cameras are still working anyway. Told him the neighbors know he’s there alone and are keeping an eye out (and they are), plus we cleaned things spotless before we left. If anything would happen he would have to pull off the cleaning job of his life to get it back to how it was and I don’t think he’s capable. rotflol

    Cabin weekend is great so far! My youngest son’s 3 friends are up with us – so four 13 rd olds having a blast at the lake. Put one of them on the biggest fish of his life this morning, didn’t have a tape, but close to a 30″ pike.

    Posts: 1799

    I threw so many parties in high school that some folks thought it’d be ok to throw one in my house when I went on a trip to Florida with my folks. They did a real good job of cleaning the whole place but didn’t check my parents bedroom, which had traditionally been the one room that was off limits. Apparently one couple didn’t get that memo and treated the room like a Vegas suite. Never seen my folks so disgusted and I bore the brunt of that one for a good while. Had to diversify the friend group a bit after that one. All I can say is I’m glad there weren’t WiFi cameras and doorbells in the 90s whistling

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