Need help with Lowrance Hook 2 , 5X GPS / Split Shot HDI Operating

  • Doug Ramey
    Posts: 21

    Old guy needs help with new technology …. Just installed this unit for the ease of use and I don’t use GPS Plotting … The turn on and go for the sonar is perfect for me , BUT I would also like to use the Downscan feature also … That’s my problem . The Very Small instruction book that came with it does not show how to access each feature . Pictures is the manual that came with it . Just 4 pages of what is on the unit , but not how to use them that I see …

    I need some one to tell me what buttons to push from start to finish … to turn on the Downscan . And can it be locked in to come on when you turn the unit on like the sonar is ? HELP !!!!

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    Posts: 3239

    You should see this screen when you press the Pages button.

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    Doug Ramey
    Posts: 21

    That would be cool , but when I push the pages button .. I get what is in picture . If I push it a second time , it starts dimming the screen . I have clicked everything on this screen with no luck … so far. I am sure its there . Just need to un-lock the secret path to it. THANKS for the help .

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    Butler county Iowa
    Posts: 342

    Have you turned off the simulation mode? You should find that in the systems window.

    Doug Ramey
    Posts: 21

    No , I have not. I will try that tomorrow and report back . THANKS

    Doug Ramey
    Posts: 21

    OK … simulation mode was off …. see picture … Good try , but the hunt for the path to the Downscan screen continues …
    THANKS Aleb . It was a good try ….

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    Posts: 812

    it sounds like you either don’t have the split shot ducer, or else it’s not properly selected in your ducer settings.

    Try this.

    Doug Ramey
    Posts: 21

    OK … its a brand new unit in box I just bought .. so I would think the transducer would be correct ??? Surely Lowrance wouldn’t goof that up ?? I will be gone all day tomorrow , so will check ducer setting out Friday and report back then my findings … Wish me luck … and THANKS tangler for the help … I will be back on the lakes this March chasing bass … so I have a month to figure this out ????

    Anyone know where I can order a correct instruction book ( with more then 5 pages ) for just the Hook 2 5X GPS / SplitShot HDI model I have here ?? The ones online are for 6 or 7 different units all in one … and nothing really about what I have . Any help is appreciated …

    THANKS Guys and Gals

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    Doug Ramey
    Posts: 21

    OK tangler … spend 20 minutes trying to find a setting for the transducer . No Luck . I don’t think there is a selection for that on this unit ?? Any other ideas , let me know. THANKS

    Posts: 3239

    Download manual here


    What do you see when you select Sonar from the Settings menu?

    Butler county Iowa
    Posts: 342

    Hey Doug have you tried looking on you tube? There are lots of videos that may help

    Doug Ramey
    Posts: 21

    I have watched quite a few … with none showing what I am after . There is not much on this lower end Lowrance.

    I have a message sent into Lowrance asking for a better manual , but have not heard back from them yet.

    Posts: 3239

    What do you see when you select Sonar from the Settings menu?

    Posts: 3239

    What do you see when you select the Data Overlay menu?

    Doug Ramey
    Posts: 21

    This is what I get when I click on Sonar

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    Doug Ramey
    Posts: 21

    On Data Overlay … all it does is click on and off … Red bar at top off and no bar is on I believe … see pictures … Does not give you any choice of what you can do with it other then on and off …

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    Posts: 3239

    Are you pressing button #5 Menu/Enter after highlighting selections?

    Doug Ramey
    Posts: 21

    Yes , on Sonar / Depth Offset … #5 just goes to the screen to change the depth .

    On the Data Display … #5 just turns it Off and On …

    Doug Ramey
    Posts: 21

    OK … I finally found a how to do video on line … JUST MY LUCK … it is not in English … DAMN !!! Towards the end of the video it shows a blue screen setting which I have ?? Is this the downscan ? I thought it was a brown screen ?

    Posts: 659

    I realize its not the same unit but My elite 7 would not display the downscan page either until i went into the installation page and picked the correct transducer to run the downscan.Possibly yours is the same.

    Doug Ramey
    Posts: 21

    Hi Matt …. this was mentioned in a earlier post , but if I have that feature , I can not find it , or how to enter it . And my little 5 page Quick Guide that came with the new unit does not mention it that I see …

    Doug Ramey
    Posts: 21

    OK …. got word back from lowrance … the blank blue page is the downscan on the Hook 2 units … even though the box and Hook 2 , 5 page Quick Guide show it being a brown / black screen . Picture attached of screen . Kinda un-happy about this as I bought the unit for the Downscan and was wanting a brown / black screen like the box showed .

    Also I asked for a User Manual for the Hook 2 I have … they have nothing other then the Quick Guide for it , which is not to helpful . They said go online and I can find info , but if I am out on the water and need it… Online does me know good at all …

    I am a little disappointed with Lowrance right now …

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    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    Go online and print it off and you can take the manual with you.

    Doug Ramey
    Posts: 21

    This is a picture of the box it came in … shows picture of downscan being brown … and that is what I wanted … not a blue screen that it came with . Oh Well , Live and Learn …

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    Posts: 812

    I have a similar unit Doug – it’s a Hook2 5 Tripleshot. My downscan was set to blue by default as well. I’m not sure if this the case with yours, but on mine I can select from different color schemes for the various different screens. With your downscan open on the screen, hit the “enter” button and you should get a menu that pops in from the far right side of your screen. At the top should be a “Mode” button (for switching between “auto” and “custom” sonar settings) and at the bottom I have a button that says “More options.” When I click that button, I get sub-menu for “Range Lines” and “Palette.” Click on palette and you can change the color. You can do this on traditional sonar as well, change to a blue background or several others.

    One other thing I noticed — in your second post above in response to Dan’s question about what you see when hit your pages button, you posted an image. And you said the screen dimmed when you hit that button a second time. For what it’s worth it sure sounds like you are hitting the POWER button and not the pages button. The pages button is in the top left and looks like 2 white rectangles. When I tap power button once on my unit, I get the exact image you posted.

    Hope it’s working out for ya!

    Posts: 70

    x2 what tangler said – Your unit most likely is just defaulted to the blue downscan palette.

    Press Menu from the Downscan page – Select Downscan Options – Select color

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    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2028

    Yes once you can navigate to the palette section, you will be able to choose your brown/black screen color mode

    Doug Ramey
    Posts: 21

    Here is the screen I get … can’t find anything that allows me to change color ….

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    Posts: 812

    Man, I’m out of ideas Doug. I don’t get that screen unless I push the POWER button. If I hit the ENTER button (the one with the arrow), then I get what I described.

    It sounds to me like the “X” model units are just not as customizable as the standard units. I did easily find the 34-page manual for your unit with a quick google search, but I don’t see anything in that manual about changing color palette.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Hey Doug, print out the online manual, put in plastic sleeves & then in a 3 ring binder and keep it in the boat. Skim through it at home and highlight points of interest.

    No help with the unit, but there has to be a palette selection.

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