I have a 899 HD SI that came on the boat I just bought… I plan to buy a helix 9 Mega+ SI. and network them. What all will I be able to see on the 899? I also plan to get a terrova 80 I pilot?
I am thinking I am going to put my helix 5 on the bow to run off the US2 built in ducer in the minnkota so I can see depth and speed. Then put the new Ducer that comes with the 9 on the back of the boat and network the 899 to the 9. Keep the 9 at the wheel, and go fishing.
Also, I was told that All I would need is an ethernet cord and a couple dongles to do this… is that correct? The Guy on the phone argued with me that an 899 was even a humminbird, so I am not too confident in his advice.
What say you guys? Is this the best way to utilize what I have?
I can tell you all this, the last time I had a wheel boat none of this networking stuff was happening, or not much. GPS was a Luxury. I already miss my tiller and one big sreen to look at. I was always sitting in the same seat in that boat. But I suppose I will enjoy it when my 2 sons and I are all out for a day of fishing and there is room to get up and walk around a bit.