Need a floor for your hub style pop up? 8×8

  • Jaxson Sobotta
    Posts: 12

    I just recently received a gift from my Girlfriend and it was the Clam Bigfoot xl4000t. 8x . It works great but my brother and I were getting sick of the floor being the ice. It would get slippery as all hell and besides, who doesn’t want a solid footing underneath you? So we can up with a plan of using 1×2’s and half inch plywood to make a bottom for the hub. We have it in such a way where the two half’s fold up into 4×4’s . Of course the unfolded dimensions are 8×8 but anyway. Having this floor keeps in I’d say 70% or more of the heat in. It gets so warm that we have to start striping layers.I mean sauna type of hot. Another bonus is that you get solid footing and don’t have to worry about busting your ass. They weigh roughly 30 to 40 pounds each but well worth it. It is actually quite easy to unfold and set up as it is to take down. Definitely worth the extra 5 minutes to set up. Let me know what you all think, give me some ideas, tell me what you have all done.

    1. 20150120_230908.jpg

    Jaxson Sobotta
    Posts: 12

    Side note – The picture was of the making, I will post actually pictures of it in use. It is also the backside of the floor in the picture.

    Posts: 2596

    I built something very similar for my 8×6 thermal summit. I even made a ski system and can drag the thing anywhere on the lake without taking her down. I’ve ice camped in it with a big buddy heater on low. I cut access holes and hinged the lids so I can close them if desired. It’s heavy for one guy but is a breeze with two. It goes on the floor of the trailer and I park the ATV right on top of it for transport.

    Jaxson Sobotta
    Posts: 12

    Sweet, glad we weren’t the only ones. Yes, its a breeze with two guys, and I wanted to do the lid cover but we thought it would be more versatile if we just had a slot cut out. I am also thinking of making it easier to pull around, as of right now its take down and go but I would like to put a quarter inch durable plastic like material on the bottom with a slight curve at the front and to pull it like that, it would work and to keep the pop up in place with the tie downs from the inside. Think it’ll work?

    Posts: 2596

    Picture of my floor on the ice

    1. IMG_20140117_1929222461.jpg

    2. IMG_20140117_1230072301.jpg

    Jaxson Sobotta
    Posts: 12

    That seems to work pretty nicely huh? Very easy to move around the ice and if you were to do a couple mods, you could strap the hub down to the boards and move around that way. How wide is it? Plus, can you fold it? At all or is that one piece? Great piece!

    Jaxson Sobotta
    Posts: 12

    Oops, sorry. Didn’t notice that it was you who wrote at the top. Looks great!

    Posts: 2596

    The skis come off and the floor is in two pieces, 8’x 5′. I do have anchor points for securing the shelter internally in the four corners and am able to transport it around erected. Cost was around a hundred bucks, it’s insulating foam board sandwichEd between two pieces of plywood.

    Jaxson Sobotta
    Posts: 12

    Might have to one day do your design, seems pretty easy and much faster to move around . we wanted to do skis but we are working with limited space with the vehicle, time to pull out the trailers.

    A C
    Posts: 6

    That design looks really nice and creative! I might have to take some tips from that design being that I too do not like the feeling of walking on slippery ice.

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