Nebraska antalope

  • mattgroff
    Posts: 585

    This last Sunday I was able to harvest my first antalope with a bow.
    We got out to Nebraska last wed and the one field we were hunting was holding about 40 goats so we were hunting out of redneck bail blinds and the first day a guy in are party tagged out on a smaller goat as it was his first time every hunting so that was cool. But the goats seemed a little Leary of the blinds with the decoys so on Sunday a buddy and I made a move to a irragator pivot with tall grass that we had seen a nice goat cross in mid day a couple days prior. I sat a water hole in the morning and about 11:00 I joined my buddy at the pivot. As I was kicked back at about 2:00 I looked over with the winds just gusting out of know where I seen this goat at 30 yards just staring at the decoy. Shocked and suprised I reach down and grabbed my bow slide my pin to 30 yards and as he was walking through the alf Alfa I let the arrow fly and hit him back. He wheeled around and ran into a fence and flew up in the air with about 2 full summer salts he got back up and ran down the hill where he immidiantly bedded down. A little while later I recovered my first goat and boy what a hunt it was . Truly blessed with a dandy animal and how beautiful they are is really something special. But man do they stink lol

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    Posts: 276

    Sweet, were you hunting public land?

    Posts: 585

    No we went through an outfitter but it was tough it had been very hot so they were not grouped up that good. The first day I was in the blind for 13 hrs with no sittings the outfitter said last year at this time the field I sat the first day had 200 goats on it. He showed me a pic it was insane. It had just been to warm.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    Beautiful pronghorn and great recap.

    Way to go as far as changing with the conditions, good hunting skill to change things when the animals were wary.

    Was this with a guide/outfitter?

    Beautiful pictures too. Well done.


    Posts: 585

    Yes outfitter
    Great guy we didn’t see him much cause he was busy with a elk hunter but we didn’t expect to have it fully guided. We got a great deal on the hunt so he just put out blinds on active fields and when they would walk by we had to make a move and it’s not easy to move a staked down redneck blind so we used the tall grass. And without the wind I would of never got drawn.

    Pete S
    Posts: 277

    c’mon, they don’t stink that bad, the black patch behind their jaw gets pretty rank though. Some of the best meat you can find is a speed goat living in alfalfa fields, better than whitetail imo.

    Congrats, on a the bow kill

    Posts: 585

    Lol o they stink. But excited to try the meat. It was a unbelievable hunt.

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