Navionics vs. Lakemaster

  • matthewkolden
    Posts: 350

    I didn’t want to post this in the lowrance or humminbird forums to possibly avoid some bias. My question is, which do you prefer and why?

    I currently have humminbird helix 5 units with lakemaster maps. Generally I am fairly happy with my maps. However, recently I’ve been on a number of lakes where the maps are nowhere near accurate, and the depth contours are in about 6 ft increments. I have the navionics app on my phone, so I open and compare. The navionics app has incredibly detailed maps on these lakes.

    Does navionics tend to have better accuracy and better updates, or is this just an isolated few lakes I’ve happened upon? I’m looking at a new boat in the apring, with all new electeonics, and I’m now considering switching over to Lowrance and navionics.

    Thanks for any help.

    Posts: 63

    lakemaster is better on every lake I have fished in MN I have both plus lakemaster has one foot contours

    Posts: 4062

    Navionics has the WebApp you can look at all their Lake Maps on so if you know the lakes well enough you can check it out. These represent whats on the Map Cards such Navionics+ or Navionics Updates.

    He must not be fishing the lakes your one.

    Posts: 350

    lakemaster is better on every lake I have fished in MN I have both plus lakemaster has one foot contours

    My navionics app on my android also has one foot contours. Is that different on the navionics chips in Lawrence devices? My brother suggested maybe buying a cheap tablet and running,navionics app on it. Maybe he’s on to something…

    Stan Jenson
    sw wisconsin
    Posts: 178

    I have the Navionics app on my tablet and lake master on my sonar. The Navionics app showed a large reef on a lake I was on recently. I looked for it on Lake master and it wasn’t there so I went looking for it and it didn’t exist. Kind of a bummer considering it was my first time on this part of the lake and I wasted time looking for something that wasn’t there.

    Posts: 7348

    I have an older LM chip so perhaps the newer ones are better. But I find myself more and more grabbing my phone for the Navionics app and being much happier.

    This will play a large part in my next unit purchase.

    Mike Johnson
    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 121

    I think it depends on the lake. I have both navionics and lake master chips for the same areas. On some lakes in South Dakota the navionics chip is terrible compared to lake master but then on the Mississippi River the navionics is alot better than the lake master. I switch between the 2 cards to find the more detailed and correct card when I’m on the water.

    I know this doesn’t help a lot but I guess if you have a lake you fish most ide find out wich has the better map for that lake or if you travel get both.

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