Navionics SonarCharts Shading now available for download on HM Platinum cards

  • Chris Messerschmidt
    Posts: 615

    If you have a Hotmaps Platinum chip with a valid subscription you should update your cards! The new SonarCharts Shading has been added.

    With the different shades of blue they applied it really brings a lake with the shading to life and makes picking out areas much easier.

    Platinum+ Chips will be getting the update soon.

    Also if you’re cards yearly subscription has run out, this is the best time to renew or purchase the Platinum+ or Hotmaps Platinum as they are $30 off for the month of May. The link below will bring you to the chart installer to update/renew.

    For more information on SonarCharts Shading:
    SonarCharts Shading Information

    1. SonarChartShading_HotMapsAvailable_Pros.png

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1791

    Hi Chris, do you work for Navionics? I just got an RMA and sent by my HM platinum chip to the factory. AFter a ton of troubleshoting with both Nav and Hbird I cannot get the thing to work at all on my helix 7 chirp si gps g2

    Software updated on unit, maps updated on card, it simply will not load charts (loading charts message stuck with black screen).

    Any tips or if you know anyone who runs HM on the same unit would be much appreciated.

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