Navionics mapping chip work in Hummingbird

  • tomr
    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1309

    Brother going to Ontario and the lake he is going to is only mapped on Navionics. I told him to buy the phone app pretty cheap but he wants it on his hummingbird unit. Does anyone know?


    Central Mn
    Posts: 1615

    Not sure of that, try it first. Older chip maybe, newer no.

    Justin Laack
    Posts: 522

    Yes, even the newer navionics chip will work on a hummimbird unit. If he has more than 1 chip slot and leaves another chip in, he will have to go into the settings to select the slot that has the navionics in it.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1309

    Thank you guys

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