Navionics chip W/Lowrance handheld?

  • bullcans
    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2030

    I have a Lowrance Endura Out & Back unit
    I have a Navionics hotmap chip which doesn’t show much for lakes with detailed contours on them for the Midwest region
    I primarily fish South Dakota and the glacial lakes region and below lake Sharpe on the Missouri has no contours at all shown.
    Which chip do I need to get what I’m looking for?
    I know there are some Navionics and Lowrance guru’s out there so please steer me right here
    Thx in advance

    Posts: 4062

    The Hotmaps Premium may work, bring you GPS into a Cabelas and see if they have a demo chip to confirm

    If you have a Smartphone or iPad get the Navionics Mobile app same maps on your phone and way easier to use. Get a waterproof case with a float

    Adam Jasken
    Posts: 8

    I have the same one and have a lake master chip in mine but if you have a smartphone you can get better higher detailed apps for your phone fairly cheap

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    From my understanding, the Endura line of handhelds doesn’t have full GPS functionality using the Navionics chips, it reverts the unit to a b grade simple viewer/tracker without the ability to track or make way points.

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2030

    I have the Avionics app on my smartphone but it isn’t very accurate at all.
    At least not on the lakes I visited recently. That’s why I was hoping the Endura with the appropriate chip would dial me in much close to the spots I’m looking for

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