Navigation on Rainy Lake

  • Dan Bettenhausen
    Posts: 9

    This is my first post on this forum so I’ll start by saying hello to everyone. I’m planning a trip to Rainy Lake this June which will be my second time on the lake. I have a couple of questions for those familiar with the lake.

    1.) I have a Navionics card in my current plotter that I used on the lake last summer. For those interested I felt that it worked alright. That being the case, I will probably be updating my electronics before the next trip. Does it make sense to go with a different card? Lakemaster? Insight? … This has probably been discussed at some point but information is surprisingly difficult to come by. For those of you using Navionics are there any specific hazards I should be concerned about i.e. that aren’t well marked?

    2.) This is a specific question. When navigating the Brule Narrows the map indicates a small island just off of soliders point and the marked channel cuts north of it. In doing so it crosses into Canadian water. Is there a safe passage that resides entirely on the US side?

    Any additional insight or pointers would be appreciated.


    SW Metro
    Posts: 12641

    Sorry I’m no help on #1. For #2 it depends on if you are taking a Houseboat or fishing boat. Fishing boat you can cut through all in US waters, but a HB you will need to stay in the navigational channel. We are planning our annual trip right now, and sounds like we will be there in June also. Can’t wait!

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 740

    I’ll check my maps/chip tonight but is there some specific reason you dont want to cross the border in the houseboat? As long as you dont fish or stop on an island you can run over the border with no ramifications. Now if you are a mile over the border that might not be ok for Ontario Border Patrol.

    On Namakan on the run up to Kettle Falls i am in Ontario waters for about half of the narrows section (4 miles long), and from Kettle down to the main lake portion of Rainy your also going back and forth over the border for the whole 2 mile run down to Surveyors island.

    Posts: 178

    Your nav. Map is fine I wouldn’t spend extra on new map chips.Xplorer is right there are know problems running the Canadian side through the Brule.

    Dan Bettenhausen
    Posts: 9

    Thanks guys,

    My boat is an 18′ lund so my draft would be less than that of a house boat. I probably should have clarified that.

    Being somewhat of a novice in these parts I wasn’t sure what the regulations were for crossing into Canada. Everything I was able to find online would suggest you need appropriate permits (RABC and I-68) although it seems a little bit crazy when you’re just trying to follow a channel. Perhaps my understanding is incomplete. I wouldn’t be surprised to find that the rules are pretty lax so long as your intention is simply to avoid hazards and not one of flagrant disregard for the boundary. That being said, it’s not a conversation I would prefer to have with the officials.

    Thanks again for the input. I’m really looking forward to the trip. Leave some fish for me, Bigwerm, if you make it there before I do.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 740

    If your worry is that while following the red/green bouy channel thru the Brule then that is one thing you do not have to worry about. Nothing additional is needed. Thousands of boats a year pass thru there a year.

    As for Navionics, that is what I have in my unit and I can say that from 3 Sisters/Shelland Islands and east it is just fine. Just be careful in bays as there are boulders (like the size of trucks and small houses) that are not marked on any maps.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17530

    Follow the buoys like mentioned. Thats why they are there.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12641

    As long as you are traveling I wouldn’t worry about being in Canada. Just don’t fish there without the proper licenses. We will only keep a meal or two, but we will try and give them all new lip piercings! Lol

    Wayne Daul
    Green Bay, Wi
    Posts: 348

    Cutting the corner on the U. S. Side can be done but the maps are not perfect, use caution and you should be ok. If water is still high in June no problem. If water is lower then normal be extra careful. Most boaters just stay inside the channel markers. I have gone through there when Park Rangers were doing the same thing. Most maps are good but I had both and the Lakemaster is much better.

    Wayne Daul
    Green Bay, Wi
    Posts: 348

    One other point, that area can be very dangerous when there is big wind. Not unusual to have 3 foot plus waves crashing directly into that narrow gap. There have been boats swamped at that location in past years. Best to time your time in the gap so you don’t have to work around other boat traffic. Having to stop in the gap is not recommended best to keep a steady speed with the bow up so you don’t spear a wave. Going with the waves you don’t want to stop and have a big wave come over your transom. Not trying to scare you just make you aware.

    I will be up there the week of May 28th thru first week of June. Would be happy to help you out if that is when you will there also.

    Dan Bettenhausen
    Posts: 9

    Thanks again guys,

    I didn’t expect to get so many responses, but I really appreciate the input. To your point Wayne, I came across a story about the boats that were swamped while researching this very topic. I have VHF w/ an 8 foot pole and make a point to listen to the weather periodically. As with any large body of water it pays to have a healthy respect for it. Given the structure it doesn’t surprise me that there is a lot of wave action when the winds get going. If the forecast is calling for sustained winds I doubt I’ll be venturing that far from the lodge. I’ll be up there the third week of June so I doubt we’ll cross paths but thanks for the offer.

    I passed through the Brule last summer so I have an idea what to expect, but simply had a few nagging questions. I did what I thought was safe and reasonable at the time but just wanted some additional opinions. Thanks again for all of the input.


    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 1117

    Welcome to IDO, and have a great trip! wave

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 740

    Dan and Others,

    Here’s a great resource for checking water levels on the whole area. It shows what the normal “curves” are and not only the levels, but the actual inflow and outflow on a daily basis. Best water info I have ever found for that whole area.

    Posts: 21

    Always try to stay in the center of the channel. I hit a rock in the channel but near the edge.

    Sand Bay Fish Camp
    Posts: 14

    Be very careful with the Lakemaster card in the Brule Narrows area. The navigation lines have you going around the wrong side of the buoys. You screw up in Brule you will lose your lower unit and need a tow. I contacted Johnson outdoors and they were indifferent and just said you shouldn’t rely on the electronics for navigation. While I agree, this is still very dangerous. My Lakemaster card is from 2014 so maybe its fixed on the later versions.

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