soldMy Wedge Transom support

  • Paulski
    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1216

    Got 2 up for sale. Work great, but the motor I used them with died on me. One is newer as I sacrificed one to the fishing gods a couple years ago and had to replace it.

    $ 20.00 each or OBO
    Prefer not to ship, but will ship at cost to buyer.

    Raveling Outdoors M-Y All Wedge Motor Support

    Works on:
    Mercury outboards 135–300 hp.
    Yamaha (plus new SHO) outboards 115 hp–350 hp.
    Honda outboards 90 hp–300 hp.
    Evinrude outboards 150 hp–300 hp, except Generation 2.
    Johnson four-stroke outboards 150 hp–300 hp, V6 4-stroke.
    Suzuki four-stroke outboards DF140 to DF350 hp.
    Tohatsu outboards 115-250 hp.

    1. My-Wedge.jpg

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1216

    Thanks Justin

    I have a couple gents in front of you, but I will let you know if they do not commit.


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