My new Halloween decoration

  • Sharon
    SE Metro
    Posts: 5373

    All the Walmarts near me didn’t have this sign anymore so had to make one on Shutterfly. It turned out great! Don’t get me wrong – I LOVE Halloween. But since we got the dogs we stopped handing out candy. We didn’t get very many kids in our neighborhood anyway. But each year we still seem to get a couple of knockers even though we turn ALL the lights off AND keep the living room lights off as well. I was taught to only go up to houses with a front light on so I’m not sure why some kids just aren’t getting that.

    Anyone else get persistent knockers or am I a grinch for not handing out candy? smirk

    1. 20181015_172325.jpg

    Posts: 9079

    I’m so egging your house when I’m down on the 27th…

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5587

    I’m so egging your house when I’m down on the 27th…

    Hey I’ll call the cops! jester


    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16624

    Take the witch costume off. You are just encouraging the kids. razz

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 19258

    That is the best sign ever. I need one of them. We have German shepherds at home so we dont like the kids coming and knocking either.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    I like the sign but would put out a bowl of candy for the kids to grab instead. They won’t ring the doorbell if the candy is already there but if they saw the sign they just might.

    Posts: 245

    Looks like your asking for trick

    Posts: 245

    Looks like your asking for a trick

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5373

    I like the sign but would put out a bowl of candy for the kids to grab instead. They won’t ring the doorbell if the candy is already there but if they saw the sign they just might.

    My neighbors did that one year when we all went out for a Halloween party – some rotten kids stole the bowl!! Luckily it was a cheap plastic bowl, but still.

    I won’t put the sign outside, but rather I made it for my amusement to go with my other Halloween decorations in the house. I laughed so hard when I saw it! rotflol

    Bearcat89 – I’m sending you a message.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    That’s too bad. We leave a bucket out every year while we take my son around the block and never had any problems.
    Also a door bell can be disconnected in about 30 seconds.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 11002

    I LOVE Halloween

    or am I a grinch for not handing out candy?

    You can’t be both Sharon! You either love Halloween and hand out candy, including to the teenagers not dressed up, or you don’t love Halloween and should befriend the Grinch and the Curmudgeon World Order. jester

    Posts: 3538

    I have neighbors that leave their porch lights on 364 days a year but not Halloween. Ticks me off and they have little kids to. We try to get as many kids as possible and usually only amount to maybe 10 cause on our street there is only 1 or 2 houses per block. Not enough opportunity. I think they could afford 1 bag of candy or a 12 pack of pop. So shut your lights off and hide but remember you were a kid once. I think is a RICHARD move.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5373

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Sharon M wrote:</div>
    I LOVE Halloween

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Sharon M wrote:</div>
    or am I a grinch for not handing out candy?

    You can’t be both Sharon! You either love Halloween and hand out candy, including to the teenagers not dressed up, or you don’t love Halloween and should befriend the Grinch and the Curmudgeon World Order. jester

    Hmpft! I think I CAN be both! yay I love dressing up, decorating, Halloween parties, watching Halloween-themed movies, etc. I just don’t hand out candy. There are several houses in my neighborhood who don’t hand out candy either, so it’s not like I’m THE only house.

    I have neighbors that leave their porch lights on 364 days a year but not Halloween. Ticks me off and they have little kids to.

    Maybe they’re not home to hand out candy? Either way, it’s not a “richard” move – it’s a personal choice. Some people might have infants trying to sleep, dogs that aren’t accustomed to a wave of random visitors, or folks who work an odd shift might even been sleeping, etc.

    Posts: 3538

    I don’t know everyones situation but when it comes to my neighbors they are home and amazingly about 9 oclock the lights pop back on again

    Jeff James
    Posts: 2

    I discovered that if you hire your nephew to hand out candy instead of yourself, it works a lot better and kids can still get their candy! )

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    Sharon, put up your sign, draw a chalk outline of yourself on the sidewalk, toss some candy on the ground next to the outline, and laugh.

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    Take the blade off of your circular saw, and when you turn back into the house to get them candy, grab the saw and hit the trigger.

    You’ll have lots of candy left at the end of the night.


    North branch, mn
    Posts: 19258

    It’s not a a$$ move to not hand out candy.
    We hand it out some years and some years we dont. I take my son out around with his buddies on the trailer behind my wheeler and I guess I’ve never said wow those people suck their lights not on. We just quick move past to the neighbors place

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 2801

    I like to sit outside the porch and people watch n hand out candy. Always fun to see what cute “Mrs Smith” dressed up as this year. If the weather isn’t horrible, I grill hot dogs and hand them and beer out to the adults.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    We leave the bowl out while we’re out with our kids, then answer the door ’til it gets slow, then leave the bowl out the rest of the night.

    The ONLY neighbors I shake my head at are the ones who send their own kids out to trick or treat, but don’t offer any candy at their house. That’s brutal in my opinion. Give & take.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5373

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Pailofperch wrote:</div>
    I grill hot dogs and hand them and beer out to the adults.

    And your address is??? rotflol

    No kidding, that sounds awesome! Wish I had cool neighbors like that!

    Posts: 9079

    No comment Sharon? Ok, don’t say I didn’t warn you. jester

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 2801

    No kidding, that sounds awesome! Wish I had cool neighbors like that!

    It is tons of fun to be a cool neighbor when you can. mrgreen

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5373

    No comment Sharon? Ok, don’t say I didn’t warn you. jester

    Okay, okay if you stop by with eggs just hand them to me instead and I’ll bake you some cookies! How’s that sound? mrgreen

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5432

    These are new to my house this Halloween.

    1. 20181020_121551-1.jpg

    2. 20181020_121551.jpg

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5432

    I guess if you have enough Boos, you start seeing double…

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11379

    If the weather isn’t horrible, I grill hot dogs and hand them and beer out to the adults.

    There are 2 houses about a block from us that get together and for lack of a better word, they have a buffet. Dogs, brats, beer, french fries, etc. The kids love the homemade french fries.

    One kid asked if they had candy and they told him no way, that stuff is bad for you.


    Posts: 6259

    When I lived in Eau Claire we lived next to a retired dentist. He made hotdogs on the grill every year instead of candy. Loved hanging out by him drinking his cheap beer and watching adults come up and tell story’s and Doc Gibson getting there dogs when they were kids and thanking him….

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