I’ve been running myRadar on my phone almost since I got it… there may be one or two reasons I haven’t upgraded… the first is the free app is really the best radar I have found anywhere, along with the mapping/gps that it comes with… Up here in cell phone never never land, it does quite nicely most everywhere I have been. Second is I prefer not to put too much of my info on line any more than I have to. I know most of these are paid for with a paypal account which I have, but…
At any rate, for the $2 I am a wind nut for fishing, it might be interesting to see what it can do… I usually use WindAlert, but am always looking to get the best info I can get when I am looking for it. Usually with the radar, if things look interesting, I might check out the local forecasts using nws.noaa.gov and now you are getting the weather from the horse’s mouth…