My IDO Anniversary!

  • Sharon
    SE Metro
    Posts: 5547

    Believe it or not, this month is 15 years for me as part of IDO! Doesn’t seem like it could be that long, but I recall joining as a member of IDO Hunting back in May 2008 when the hunting site and fishing site were separate. It was at the recommendation of my Dad, Steve Root, since I had just started deer hunting with my husband Billy the season before. I really enjoy reading and writing, so we figured this site would be a great way to learn more and share… and WOW what an amazing 15 years it’s been!

    I have met some amazing people on this site and none of it has been more impactful than the support and care I felt when my husband died. I still re-read that post from time to time and feel very blessed to be part of this IDO family.

    Here’s a screenshot of the old IDO hunting site from the Way Back Machine archives. I searched and searched and couldn’t find an archived URL of anything I posted but that’s okay. It was still fun to look back!

    I know there’s been posts talking about how long you’ve been here before, but I just had to share this – 15 years and you guys are still making me smile! mrgreen toast waytogo

    1. IDO-Hunting.jpg

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12784

    Congrats Sharon. Someday we shall actually meet in person . I tried figuring out when I joined, doah must be the beer, cause I haven’t figured that out yet!:???:

    Posts: 3911

    Congrats Sharon!!
    I think I’ve been here 6 years??
    Anyway if you consider how many replies created keeps getting taken away from me I was hoping to be getting younger lol.
    I should be well over 6500 by now but they keep getting cut,IE this January I was at the 4 k mark for the 3 time,next time I logged in it was back to 3300.

    Oh well.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6229

    Good for you, Sharon! I pretty much only check this site from my phone these days, as I’m guessing lots do. So I don’t even see my post count anymore. But you have me beat at 15 years, cheers toast

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12784

    Congrats Sharon!!
    I think I’ve been here 6 years??
    Anyway if you consider how many replies created keeps getting taken away from me I was hoping to be getting younger lol.
    I should be well over 6500 by now but they keep getting cut,IE this January I was at the 4 k mark for the 3 time,next time I logged in it was back to 3300.

    Oh well.

    mayhaps you should behave yourself. devil doah whistling rotflol

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Congratulations Sharon! 15yrs is a good run! I know you don’t see much of me so it might come as a surprise that post FTR, I was registered member #12 here. I’m not sure if we had a member count on FTR or not, but it seems like user registrations numbered less than 40 when I came to meet some of the other long-timers like Jon Jordan, Chris Tuckner, Bob Carlson, Suzuki, and Brian Klawitter. We knew back then, that this could be a special place, so I’m glad that it has turned out that way for you and so many others.

    Seeing this is an anniversary, someone should kick in and buy you a limited edition fishing lure or something!

    Posts: 760

    That got me thinking. When did IDO/FTR first start?

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13882

    That got me thinking. When did IDO/FTR first start?

    Not sure of the date, but I didn’t have any gray hair ….

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3187

    Way to go Sharon! I can’t believe IDO has put up with you for so long! whistling jester toast

    spring valley mn
    Posts: 756

    Congratulations Sharon you are the glue to Ido! lol

    Posts: 2823

    Congrats Sharon,15 short years.My how time flies.

    I just noticed my post count dropped again.I bet BK is up to this.I don’t think he wants anybody to meet the required number to sell on here.

    Posts: 3319

    Congrats Sharon,15 short years.My how time flies.

    I just noticed my post count dropped again.I bet BK is up to this.I don’t think he wants anybody to meet the required number to sell on here.

    Congrats Sharon! waytogo
    My post count drops anymore I might not be a member. At one time I was around 4k in posts. Then it went to 3k. Now I’m under 2k. I think everytime I post it is subtracting????

    Nick Schmitz
    Posts: 65

    Congrats Sharon! Don’t post alot on here but love reading them

    Posts: 760

    Randy, I too know the feeling about the grey hair. grin

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5547

    Way to go Sharon! I can’t believe IDO has put up with you for so long!

    Har har har!! jester moon rotflol

    Thanks guys! It’s amazing how quickly time flies!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    That got me thinking. When did IDO/FTR first start?

    I think it was 2000. I know I was late to the game like normal.
    I recall my post count dropped by about 30k when we switched sites, but since I seldom look at my own post count, I’m not sure.

    I do have a Rapala someplace that was produced by SPAM (you know, the Great American Meat) that I’ll be getting to you sometime this summer Sharon!

    Happy Anniversary Girl!

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6115

    That got me thinking. When did IDO/FTR first start?

    Fun to look back! Looks like 2000 was as far back as I could find.

    Google search on >>> wayback machine

    Type in

    Scroll the date bar back to the year 2000

    Select May 10 on the calendar and click on the link there.

    This will take you to the old FTR home page.

    From there click on the Message Board link.

    This is how the original FTR message board looked.

    H2O is James
    EYE-GUIDE is Chris Tuckners old handle.
    Hooks and Bobbers was Bob “Bobber” Carlson and Tim “Hooks” Hukriede.
    Dinosaur was Dean Ross (Deertracker’s dad)
    Some old school river rats named Beaver and Hutch.

    Fun times back then! The original “Social Network” years before BookFace came along.

    p.s. search the way back link on “” grin


    Posts: 24400

    The First Lady of IDO! Happy Anniversary Sharon!

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