When I was younger my grandfather and I would make our own jigs for our yearly trip to Canada. Since I’ve started getting back into open water fishing a little more I was having a hard time justifying the costs of the jigs. So I went into my grandfather’s basement and pulled out all of his equipment. Much to my excitement he had everything yet. 5 DO-IT molds ranging from 1/32 to 1/4. One mold is even for bullet jigs. He had some powder paint but it was old and outdated so I had to purchase some. I also went and bought a Lee production pot because his was old and in tough shape.
After getting everything setup and working out a few kinks I am getting the hang of it and really enjoy making them. My first batch I did was for my grandpa and he said that was the cost of getting his equipment. I am going to be giving them to him today at Easter.
Here is a photo of the colors I have. I also have some glitter that I am trying to work with as a top coat. Let me know what you guys think.