I understand that the shot may save your life.
If a vaccinated person can transmit covid, how is being vaccinated protecting neighbors, family, the sick and elderly?
This is my view too. The data indicates that someone who is unvaccinated is about 17 times more likely to end up in a hospital and about 20 times more likely to die. But if you choose to still avoid it, fine, that is your own decision. The only entity that should be able to mandate it is your employer, public school, military, etc. If you still want to avoid, get another job. Everyone is hiring and you can find someone that will hire you in this labor market. The federal government mandating it for the general public is an over reach of authority and the courts will decide that fate.
My issue is concern for the overwhelmed health care system. We’ve tried to keep this from happening for two years now and failed over and over. We have failed for many reasons. Unvaccinated sick people who represent the majority of people there is just one of them. Our behavior is another. Lack of adequate, timely testing is a problem. People not taking it seriously because they only had a mild case and think its not really an issue, even though we have over a million new infections daily and the highest amount of people hospitalized at any point is real.
People have every day accidents. They get in car crashes, they have heart attacks, they fall out of deer stands, etc. Those people are fu**ed because there is no room. Forget about having an elective surgery. Preventative health is over rated anyways isn’t it.