( 35 out of 40 of us )…
3 of 35 vax’d if you wanted to know.
Yikes. Hope we don’t have any Hermain Cain award winners on this site!
please take this seriously
and go get help if it keep getting progressively worse.
Please don’t go to the ER unless you’re like having trouble breathing and it’s really bad. They are too busy coding other unvaccinated patients in hallways/lobbies/etc.
Oh, and if you’re unvaccinated don’t be surprised if you get a big middle finger from your nurse or doctor. And don’t be surprised if you get passed over for a vaccinated patient. And don’t be surprised if we continue to have COVID variants for the next decade because somehow like 1/3 of the world population is too selfish and stupid to get a friggin’ vaccine.
56 year old healthy brother in law caught covid and died 16 days later. This damn thing effects everyone different. He was unvac wife was vac she had flu like symptoms and got better. Whatever your decision on vac/unvac please take this seriously and go get help if it keep getting progressively worse. Brother in law may have waited to long to seek help, guess we will never know. Died 3 weeks ago don’t know if delta or omicron.
That’s really sad, wish he would have been vaccinated :(.
We ARE close to a milestone though. Almost 1 million American’s dead from COVID. At the current rate, by the end of thisyear, we may have lost more US citizens to COVID than we did to the Civil war, WWI, and WWII…COMBINED.
Man they’d be rolling in their graves…They fought for ACTUAL freedom, from tyranny and fascism, slavery, etc.
Now half the country thinks that freedom means not wearing a mask or taking a vaccine to protect their neighbors, family, the sick & elderly, etc. It’s pathetic. I’m ashamed that my children and grandchildren will someday have to read about how a bunch of manchilds and the misinformed were responsible for the worst loss of American lives in the history of this once fine country.
Some light reading for you un-vaxxed out there, this will be your legacy if you avoidably die from a disease that has a vaccine.
The rest of the world mainly just makes fun of you. https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/