My dog got attacked by a wolf today .

  • Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1754

    Did he have to get any shots for potential infection? Wild animals can carry a ton of different diseases. Glad he is doing better!

    No they did not, he is on Amoxicillin .They gave a solution to wipe the exterior of the wounds , but no shots .

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2106

    great news!!! keep it up Buster!!!

    Posts: 2872

    Thatta boy Buster,good to hear he is improving.

    Posts: 228

    So glad to hear Buster is improving. We are all pulling for him at our dog loving home.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3191

    I feel like that wolf got lucky buster didnt get ahold of him. Sounds like the wolf sucker punched the guy. Pretty sure buster would have showed him whos boss. Hopefully he heals up fast!

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    Lets Go Buster! [clap clap clap-clap-clap]

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11126


    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1754

    I was surprised when the vet made the comment of THE 3 SSS,s ! I said i totally agree . This vet has seen far to much carnage from wolves , he said Buster is one of the rare ones , most are near death when they are brought in . Appreciate it guys and Buster thanks you !

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1754

    It’s been a week today since Buster was attacked . I got up this morning and Buster was on my wife’s lap all bundled up , just chillin. With him being half naked he shivers quite a bit . My thoughts went back to that day a week ago . Had the wifes phone worked , Buster would have put down . Vet could not reach us, so they proceeded with the surgery to patch him up . I heard years ago nothing in life happens by mistake . Buster was not going to die that day . To me its a wonder how life unfolds and im glad on that day the wifes phone did not work .

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1754

    Buster today

    1. IMG_6924-scaled.jpeg

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6795

    Sometimes things happen that we can’t explain. He is looking in good spirits. Thanks for keeping us updated.

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2106

    Sometimes things happen that we can’t explain. He is looking in good spirits. Thanks for keeping us updated.

    2nd that!!

    Karl Hungus
    Carver County, Minnesota
    Posts: 220

    Amazing story that keeps getting better. Go Buster…he looks great and it’s obvious he’s getting plenty of love and affection. Dogs are maybe the best thing in life…

    Posts: 1054

    I have a cabin in Bayfield cty. Dog attacks are all to common. I am glad Buster is improving. MY brother lost 2 dogs while coyote hunting. IT made him quit using dogs to hunt them. We have been seeing them cruising our shoreline at dusk and at night. They have chased the deer from the woods to the cabins. I agree with sss


    Posts: 3472

    he had a bag of blood next to his penis which has lightened in color and got smaller in size .

    So did the bag of blood or his penis get smaller and lighter in color? (just trying to give you a laugh)

    It’s great news about Buster. Looks like your other dog is guarding Buster and your wife.
    I’ve been working my dog everyday on retrieves and we always do one for Buster.

    Posts: 2872

    Miracles do happen.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1754

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Don Meier wrote:</div>
    he had a bag of blood next to his penis which has lightened in color and got smaller in size .

    So did the bag of blood or his penis get smaller and lighter in color? (just trying to give you a laugh)

    It’s great news about Buster. Looks like your other dog is guarding Buster and your wife.
    I’ve been working my dog everyday on retrieves and we always do one for Buster.

    Yes it did LOL

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1754

    Miracles do happen.

    Pretty hard to explain it any other way . Thanks Chuck

    Posts: 338

    Way to go Buster, so glad to hear. My family n pack of dogs will keep sending prayers n well wishes your way. I will admit to being a hound guy, have a pack of 8 used for bear, bobcats, n coyotes. Wolves have changed the hunting for sure and not for the better, I have NO love for them. I actually had a coyote hound roughed up in the mid 90’s by wolves, the local Federal Ranger told us to hunt elsewhere and was zero help. We told him wolves were the problem, not the area. Then this year had a run in with them n 1 of my dogs again but we were on top of the situation, dog ended up getting bit only once. VERY lucky that it ended as well as it did. It sucks that we have to deal with it. I say do what you gotta do n don’t tell. Again, go Buster.

    Posts: 3319

    Looks like Buster is getting excellent care! What a good boy!

    Posts: 1051

    Very very few wolf attacks on dogs that don’t result in a dead dog. Even if a human is present. I am glad to hear you, your wife and buster were fortunate he made it through.

    Posts: 3944

    Good job Buster!!
    If getting your uh,er,ahem,manhood bitten by a wolf causes excess swelling I would,,,,nevermind.

    Anyway,several years ago my jack russell for whatever unexplained reason chased my giant scale RC airplane during takeoff and he went for the prop and the prop won big time.

    I never saw him do it as the plane was much larger than him and I didnt see him on the far side,and,he had never chased it before,he would sit there and watch me fly it.

    The scimitar prop made short work cutting his upper jaw completely in two about an inch behind his nose ,I had no clue a small dog could scream like that.
    Long story short,4 stainless screws,4 inches of stainless wire,1 one missing upper fang,a V notch in the upper lip,and 800 bucks later he made a full recovery.
    It was heartbreaking watching him heal up.

    I was worried sick that his upper jaw would not heal back to the rest of his snout and I would be forced to put him down,thankfully he pulled thru and you would never know what the poor thing went thru.
    From then on he would sit at my feet and watch the planes.

    I pray that Buster makes a full recovery Don,dogs are the best buds ever.

    Sparkles and her 10 month old 99 pound Dane,sheesh!!

    1. 20240202_183356-scaled.jpg

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1754

    He weighs in at 21 lbs , but he is quick . The vet figured the belly muscles in the center of belly , had torn the muscle fibers . And did not shred the diaphragm . Im hoping he is right . Buster starting to act like his old self , he is a treat monster , he loves those mini greenies . Thanks again for my Buster

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1754

    Good job Buster!!
    If getting your uh,er,ahem,manhood bitten by a wolf causes excess swelling I would,,,,nevermind.

    Anyway,several years ago my jack russell for whatever unexplained reason chased my giant scale RC airplane during takeoff and he went for the prop and the prop won big time.

    I never saw him do it as the plane was much larger than him and I didnt see him on the far side,and,he had never chased it before,he would sit there and watch me fly it.

    The scimitar prop made short work cutting his upper jaw completely in two about an inch behind his nose ,I had no clue a small dog could scream like that.
    Long story short,4 stainless screws,4 inches of stainless wire,1 one missing upper fang,a V notch in the upper lip,and 800 bucks later he made a full recovery.
    It was heartbreaking watching him heal up.

    I was worried sick that his upper jaw would not heal back to the rest of his snout and I would be forced to put him down,thankfully he pulled thru and you would never know what the poor thing went thru.
    From then on he would sit at my feet and watch the planes.

    I pray that Buster makes a full recovery Don,dogs are the best buds ever.

    Sparkles and her 10 month old 99 pound Dane,sheesh!!

    That awful, amazing what a vet can do now a days ! That Dane is one big puppy !

    Posts: 2872

    Saddle that thing and round up the cows Sheldon.

    Karl Hungus
    Carver County, Minnesota
    Posts: 220

    Hey Don…I know I could use an update on Buster. Hope he’s still healing up well. I think a lot of us got pretty emotionally invested in his story so let us know how he’s doing when you get a chance.

    Ben K.
    Posts: 126

    What a great story – glad buster pulled through.

    R Petersen
    Posts: 133

    Those wolves are NOT NOT afraid of people, pets OR OR a child outside alone. Screw the Green People controlled government. Save lives. Not wolves.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22965

    That looked like a dog chasing a deer…. *boom* whistling

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