Good to hear Don! I cannot remember if I mentioned this here already, but I ran into a guy yesterday whose dog was attacked by a wolf recently too near St Stephen. Same area the cougar has been seen.

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Good to hear Don! I cannot remember if I mentioned this here already, but I ran into a guy yesterday whose dog was attacked by a wolf recently too near St Stephen. Same area the cougar has been seen.
Good to hear Don! I cannot remember if I mentioned this here already, but I ran into a guy yesterday whose dog was attacked by a wolf recently too near St Stephen. Same area the cougar has been seen.
that’s close to home!!! I have heard they are in the Long Prairie area
Oh yeah multiple wolves and 2 cougars. 1 by st stephen the other in Richmond.
Hopefully, Buster continues to a full recovery. We spend a lot of time down the road from you on the flowage from May – Oct with our two little dogs. I can’t imagine what you’re going through.
Well Don most of the people defending the wolves have no interaction or knowledge of what they are capable damage that can inflict. They are beautiful animal and very photogenic.
When the deer get scarce where do you think the wolves will hunt? They will be right on the fringe of population areas. A lot more prey close to town. Deer, cats, dogs, rabbits, etc. are close to people. Hobby farms and farmettes will make for good hunting area also. Legally the owners can’t do a thing about it.
They need to be managed or it will only get worse.
Glad to hear Buster is doing better and please let us know how your complaint goes with the State and Feds.
Hopefully, Buster continues to a full recovery. We spend a lot of time down the road from you on the flowage from May – Oct with our two little dogs. I can’t imagine what you’re going through.
Sure enough im 25 minutes from the flowage . Thanks for having Buster in your thoughts .
Well Don most of the people defending the wolves have no interaction or knowledge of what they are capable damage that can inflict. They are beautiful animal and very photogenic.
When the deer get scarce where do you think the wolves will hunt? They will be right on the fringe of population areas. A lot more prey close to town. Deer, cats, dogs, rabbits, etc. are close to people. Hobby farms and farmettes will make for good hunting area also. Legally the owners can’t do a thing about it.
They need to be managed or it will only get worse.Glad to hear Buster is doing better and please let us know how your complaint goes with the State and Feds.
I have a form to fill out and send in ,they will reimburse for the vet bills . That was big for us ! I agree with you MX1825 . When a wildlife Biologist from Montana states “It’s only a matter of time till someone’s child is killed ” speaks volumes . This pack is not the first to wreak havoc in my area which is only 5.5 miles from Park Falls and 3 miles from Butternut Wisconsin ,over the years numerous neighbors have experienced predation . We happen to be the unlucky ones this year . They harass and threaten animals continuously when they are present .
Poor dog, good to hear some positive progress towards recovery. Can’t even remotely imagine.
Good to hear there are no signs of infection. Another bullet dodged. Think about Buster a lot when I’m interacting with my lab whose by my side most of the day.
Good to hear there are no signs of infection.
Another bullet dodged. Think about Buster a lot when I’m interacting with my lab whose by my side most of the day.
Update vet appointment went well he is making progress . Looks like 2 weeks he will need another surgery to fix his diaphragm . He had only his second BM today but was normal . The main thing now is to keep him from exerting pressure on what remains of his diaphragm . This Thursday he goes back in to see a 3 rd Vet . His prognosis is hopeful . Thank You and please keep those prayers coming Busters way .
Great news Don! Appreciate you sharing the positive updates and hope you can keep them coming.
Good to hear things are progressing well Don.Pullin for ya Buster.
Best wishes to your Buster Brown, Don. Glad to hear he’s on the mend.
I’ve got an Uncle in law that lives just a bit north of you, in Shanagolden township. The wolf pack in his area is notorious in the State of WI for their attacks on hunting dogs and livestock. Not sure if you’re in their territory also, but they have a long reputation for documented attacks.
WI DNR has some good info you can check out:
showing where attacks have been reported in the state, as well as compensation that has been paid.
My in-laws live in Iron Belt and have a cabin out on Pleasant Lake, and we see wolf tracks all the time on the trails from their house all the way down to the TFF. The biggest issue around his area is hounds running bear, and when they are training in the summer before season. Lots of dog/wolf encounters with some not so good endings for the dogs.
Tragic situation. Gives me joy to read about his recovery thus far. Prayers sent your way from me and my lab.
Still thinking of you Don,hoping no news today is good news, and hoping tomorrow at the vet is more progress.
They say we love our dogs more than most family and friends….I think this thread is proving that most of us even love other people’s dogs more than most of our friends and family
Still thinking of you Don,hoping no news today is good news, and hoping tomorrow at the vet is more progress.
They say we love our dogs more than most family and friends….I think this thread is proving that most of us even love other people’s dogs more than most of our friends and family
Thank you Dan , fingers crossed today 8:15 today vet . The little guy has only pooped 2 times since last Friday yet is still eating and not drinking much water ? Will see what vet has to say .
Hoping to hear good news later today Don.
Power of positive thoughts from so many ! Buster is doing better . The vets opinion today is surgery is a wait and see at this time . Next thursday staples and stitches come out . He cries like a baby when we get in the car to head to vet . This the 3rd vet to see him and it will be a week tomorrow since the attack . He feels the diaphragm was not shredded like the operating vet initially thought . Otherwise his breathing would be greatly impaired . Day by day he hopefully improves , he had a bag of blood next to his penis which has lightened in color and got smaller in size . The wounds on his back are not so purple also . So what a relief i now maybe can sleep a little better knowing all this . Thanks for your support for Buster
Did he have to get any shots for potential infection? Wild animals can carry a ton of different diseases. Glad he is doing better!
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