My dog got attacked by a wolf today .

  • Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Shoot, shovel, shut up. coffee

    Hopefully your dog pulls through. That attack would really pisz me off if it was my dog.


    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    Am I sure this thread is about wolves? Yes, I’m sure of that. Until someone decided to interject some weed into it. doah

    doah i was refering to your part both Wi and MN would havee a wolf season…… crazy

    Posts: 527

    There’s a reason we eradicated wolves and g-bears as we settled the west. I don’t have a blind hatred for them but they compete for the same things we do and they’re a nuisance to humans. That’s the story of life on this planet – species are constantly jockeying for position. They lost. Now feel good, soft grifters want them back in numbers so they can change their profile picture and pat themselves on the back on social media all the while not having to deal with the ramifications of their voting/petitioning.

    Posts: 527

    Sorry about your dog! Hoping for a full recovery!

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2841

    This is terrible. My heart goes out to you, your family, and Buster Brown. That wolf and most others just need to die.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    Gimruis “They aren’t going to attack a person. You have nothing to fear. But if you have a dog, there is a remote chance of an attack.”[/quote]

    According to a 2021 report by The Wildlife Society, there have been 489 reliable reports of wolf attacks between 2002 and 2020, with most of them involving rabid wolves. The report also states that 42 people were attacked after provoking wolves, with three of those attacks being fatal.
    In North America, there have been 21 recorded fatal wild wolf attacks, with at least one being rabid. In the lower 48, there have been 14 fatal wild wolf attacks, with one being rabid . Also this: Some recent reports of wolves attacking people include:
    A Canadian man in 2005
    A woman jogging alone in Alaska in 2010
    A tent camper in Banff National Park in 2019
    Respectfully disagree , as the report shows there are many more than the one you stated gimruis . Wolves have been killing people around the world for a long long time , just because someone did not document the event does not mean it was not happening .

    Posts: 760

    There are many more instances of human attacks that have never been reported. Probably due to folks employing the Shoot, Shovel, Shut up program. While I have no firsthand knowledge, I did hear of these cases from a very knowledgeable relative in Alaska where wolf encounters are prevalent.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    There is enough documentation in recent times that show wolves do attack people . The notion that they are no threat to humans is a dangerous assertion .

    Posts: 3319

    A wolf attack on a human in WI and MN in the future is just about inevitable unless the laws are changed. Most wolves have no fear of humans. The more they hunt around farms and homesteads the less fear of man will happen. They might not attack an adult but a child under the age of 10???

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    There is enough documentation in recent times that show wolves do attack people . The notion that they are no threat to humans is a dangerous assertion .

    I personally know someone that was attacked by coyote. So for sure it’s a matter of time that we hear about.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    A wolf attack on a human in WI and MN in the future is just about inevitable unless the laws are changed. Most wolves have no fear of humans. The more they hunt around farms and homesteads the less fear of man will happen. They might not attack an adult but a child under the age of 10???

    I wish had the quote from a Montana wildlife biologist he emphatically stated it was just a matter of time a child would be attacked by a wolf . Most likely it would be a lone wolf .

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    Fear mongering at its best.

    You’ve literally got a better chance of getting struck by lightning.

    Posts: 3319

    gim you don’t think a wolf will attack a human??? It has already happened. Are WI/MN wolves different than other wolves?

    Posts: 803

    I do a lot of business in Northern Wi. with a rancher there. He says the wolves are getting braver, even stalking a women riding her bike down a country road. Just a matter of time til …

    Posts: 803

    And they employ the SSS tactic.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    gim you don’t think a wolf will attack a human??? It has already happened. Are WI/MN wolves different than other wolves?

    There’s been 3 fatal attacks by a wolf on a person since 1920 in North America. None in Minnesota, zero in Wisconsin. One attack in Minnesota which was not fatal as it was a lone wolf with a mangled jaw. That’s exactly zero fatalities and one attack in over 100 years here.

    As previously stated, they will on rare occasion attack a dog. Dons dog is one of those rare examples and I hope Buster is ok. Wolves see domestic dogs as competition. They view coyotes the same. Ask any biologist. There’s more attacks by wolves in a zoo on a zookeeper than there are on people in the wild.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    Again for my wife , myself and the people who care about this dog Buster Brown i can not say enough thanks for outpouring of concern and your prayers that he has a successful recovery. My thoughts of retribution on the wolf will have to take a back seat as my primary concern is Buster,s recovery . Thanks Don

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    According to a 2021 report by The Wildlife Society, there have been 489 reliable reports of wolf attacks between 2002 and 2020, with most of them involving rabid wolves. The report also states that 42 people were attacked after provoking wolves, with three of those attacks being fatal.
    In North America, there have been 21 recorded fatal wild wolf attacks, with at least one being rabid. In the lower 48, there have been 14 fatal wild wolf attacks, with one being rabid . Also this: Some recent reports of wolves attacking people include:
    A Canadian man in 2005
    A woman jogging alone in Alaska in 2010
    A tent camper in Banff National Park in 2019
    Respectfully disagree , as the report shows there are many more than the one you stated gimruis . Wolves have been killing people around the world for a long long time , just because someone did not document the event does not mean it was not happening .

    Where are you coming up with numbers you posted ? According to a 2021 report by The Wildlife Society, there have been 489 reliable reports of wolf attacks between 2002 and 2020, with most of them involving rabid wolves. The report also states that 42 people were attacked after provoking wolves, with three of those attacks being fatal.
    In North America, there have been 21 recorded fatal wild wolf attacks, with at least one being rabid. In the lower 48, there have been 14 fatal wild wolf attacks, with one being rabid . Also this: Some recent reports of wolves attacking people include:
    A Canadian man in 2005
    A woman jogging alone in Alaska in 2010
    A tent camper in Banff National Park in 2019
    Respectfully disagree , as the report shows there are many more than the one you stated gimruis . Wolves have been killing people around the world for a long long time , just because someone did not document the event does not mean it was not happening .

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    My source is the National Geographic and the Nature Conservatory, both which indicate this. Strictly North America.

    PAST 100 YEARS; reintroduction in the lower 48 in 1995
    United States (lower 48): 1 (pet wolf)
    United States (Alaska): 2 (1 predatory, 1 rabid)
    Canada: 2 (1 predatory, 1 captive)
    United States (lower 48): 3 (1 brain damaged, 2 captive)
    United States (Alaska): 7 (3 predatory, 3 rabid, 1 agressive)
    Canada: 15 (10 predatory, 2 agressive, 1 captive, 1 rabid, 1 provoked)

    United States (lower 48): 14
    United States (Alaska): 2
    Canada: 5
    United States (lower 48): 12
    United States (Alaska): 8
    Canada: 21 (2 in Arctic Circle)

    In North America, there have been only 2 fatal wild wolf attacks in the past century.
    In the lower 48, there have been 0 fatal wild wolf attacks in the past century.
    ​In North America, there have been only 22 nonfatal wild wolf attacks in the past century. Four were rabid.
    ​In the lower 48, there has been 1 nonfatal wild wolf attack in the past century. It was severely brain damaged.

    Fatal attacks:
    ​2010: Predatory- Candice Berner, 32, who was 4’10”, was out jogging in Chignik Alaska when she was attacked by a pack of wolves and killed. Eight wolves were killed to determine which ones had killed Ms. Berner. All tested negative for rabies. Six of them were in perfectly good health, but two others were emaciated. With DNA samples, one was proven to have been involved in the attack. Alaska Fish and Game, in their report, stated, “In spite of the findings in this report, wolves are no more dangerous than they were prior to this incident, and people should not be unnecessarily fearful. However people should be mindful of the potential harm that wolves and other wild animals are capable of inflicting and always try to maintain a safe distance from wolves and other wild animals they encounter” (2011). Ms. Berner’s father stated, “They were just doing what wolves do. Their nature happened to kill my daughter but I don’t have any anger towards the wolves”. Source.

    ​2005: Predatory- Kenton Carnegie, 22, was walking around Wollaston Lake, Saskatchewan Canada, alone, despite being told that aggressive wolves had been in the area. The wolves had begun eating garbage near camps due to a scarcity of natural prey. Carnegie regardless continued to the lake where he was attacked by four wolves that had been spotted in the area. Originally thought to be a bear attack, a two year investigation concluded that the perpetrators were wolves. Source. This was the first reported fatal wild wolf attack in North America. EVER. Did others occur, especially in the age before strict records? Probably. But it was still a rare occurrence.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    Don, how is buster doing today?

    He had his first bowel movement today . LOL He had not gone since the attack .He is eating and moving better . Fingers crossed ! Tomorrow the vet will reevaluate him

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    A rare occurrence is an event that happens infrequently or rarely. For example, “Winning the lottery is a rare occurrence”. I have never won the lottery , but know that 6 people have had livestock and pets injured and killed by wolves ,in the last 10 years that includes myself . That all happened in a 5 mile radius of my home . Thats just what i know , how many more that i don’t know about ?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    The local pack around you has obviously become problematic and lost their fear of people. All the more reason they need to be state managed and have a hunting or trapping season. That’ll make em think twice again. They’re smart hunters. If one pack member is shot or trapped, they will definitely notice.

    Hard Water Fan
    Posts: 1094

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Gitchi Gummi wrote:</div>
    Don, how is buster doing today?

    He had his first bowel movement today . LOL He had not gone since the attack .He is eating and moving better . Fingers crossed ! Tomorrow the vet will reevaluate him

    That’s good news Don. We are all pulling for him!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Hope Buster has a full recovery. One time up bear hunting in Manitoba, the lodge owners dog got attacked by a wolf also, in the middle of the compound. Luckily the outfitter heard the dog yipping and went out and the wolf had it in his mouth, he hollered and the wolf dropped the dog and took off.

    Posts: 3421

    He had his first bowel movement today


    That’s a milestone for human surgery also.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    The local pack around you has obviously become problematic and lost their fear of people. All the more reason they need to be state managed and have a hunting or trapping season. That’ll make em think twice again. They’re smart hunters. If one pack member is shot or trapped, they will definitely notice.

    100 percent agree! Like you said they are smart , niegbor had a beef cow killed and confirmed wolf kill . Aphis trappers came in and set steel blanketing the area . Not a single wolf was trapped . They even stymied the pros .

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    Hope Buster has a full recovery. One time up bear hunting in Manitoba, the lodge owners dog got attacked by a wolf also, in the middle of the compound. Luckily the outfitter heard the dog yipping and went out and the wolf had it in his mouth, he hollered and the wolf dropped the dog and took off.

    My wife and other little dog may have intervened the same way she was calling out and Peaches was barking frantically ,very well could have scared off the wolf . Seconds later he was at the door .

    Reef W
    Posts: 3178

    100 percent agree! Like you said they are smart , niegbor had a beef cow killed and confirmed wolf kill . Aphis trappers came in and set steel blanketing the area . Not a single wolf was trapped . They even stymied the pros .

    That’s weird, they got 8 in one week in one acre here: My cabin neighbor gets a wolves in his coyote traps every year too.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    Busters vet visit up date . His temperature was normal , which is evidently huge in regards to an infection . We do have to take him back in again 8 am tomorrow for another look over from the operating vet . He has a hernia area they are concerned about. That will need corrective surgery in 2 weeks . I did not know he was bit on his head . A tooth puncture just above his left eye and a tooth puncture just below the back of his right lower jaw . He is in good spirits eating drinking . His back hindquarters and belly area is horrible , lots of displaced muscle and tissue . I have to believe the power of prayers and good vibes from all of you has played a part in him clinging to life and aiding him in recovery . The second vet that examined him today was very surprised he was still alive . Buster appreciates all the help you have given him .

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