My dog got attacked by a wolf today .

  • Brittman
    Posts: 2232

    Yes, because he’s also not the governor in Wisconsin.

    Tony Evers is the guy you’re looking for here.

    True that. Went back and looked at his location in his signature line.

    Posts: 2872

    I am sorry to hear about your dog Don thats terrible.
    I wish you could have shot the wolf.
    It would be nice if our state had a government with a spine and would pass some laws to thin them out.

    Posts: 3472

    When I am sitting next to my lab tonight, we’ll say a prayer for a full recovery for Buster Brown.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    since deer huntings been over…..i’ve noticedd alot of wolf tracks on the lake and around the cabin area. i fresh kill on the little lake i fish……thinking i’m bringing a big gun with me next trip.

    everything appears to be happening at night….. my dawg is pretty good sized………but…………

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2027

    Poor little guy!
    How traumatic for him.!!!

    Hoping for the best for Buster Brown

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1754

    Without trying to sound like I am sugar-coating the injuries, the fact that he is drinking and peeing are very encouraging signs.
    Animals are extremely resilient. You have good reason to be hopeful.

    Indeed its a good sign the main concern is sepsis . He is one tough little dog to even be here, fingers crossed .

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1754

    When I am sitting next to my lab tonight, we’ll say a prayer for a full recovery for Buster Brown.

    Buster would appreciate that , Netguy

    Posts: 3944

    Geeze Don!!
    Triple s method would be my tatic from here forward.
    Prayers for Buster!!

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1754

    Aphis was here and determined it was a wolf attack by the size/ spread of the bite marks . I walked with him and found numerous wolf trails but with lack of snow it was tough going and never did find the exact location of the attack . Buster is alive and keeping hope a friend of the wife’s stopped by and she always dotes on our Buster and Peaches . When he heard her voice he got up and went to her even wagging his tail a bit. He has a long road ahead for recovery ,monday am back to vet . We were already told he would need a second surgery on his lacerated lung . He ate his dinner tonight and his pills and even a greenie . Still no bowel yet hoping sooner than later . Im worried because the vet did stitch his intestines back together , so sepsis is a big concern . Thanks everyone for your support for the Buster Brown .

    Wright County
    Posts: 3191

    This story makes me sick. Terrible to hear. Glad he seems to be pulling through. Tough little guy. IDO GTG on your backyard bait pile soon for some revenge.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1754

    Geeze Don!!
    Triple s method would be my tatic from here forward.
    Prayers for Buster!!

    After they showed up last November (11 ) of them we were on high alert . Then had not heard them , out of sight out of mind deal . Now we a are back on high alert . The buggers are smart, i have yet to see one! Plenty of sign though , in close proximity to my home . I have 2 Tactacams out taking pictures 24/7 and not a picture of one of them ? So are they avoiding the cameras or just sheer luck they are not getting caught on camera , i don’t know . Obviously the season needs to resume as it did a few years back .

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    I’m sorry bud. He looks like a good boy.

    I’m worried about my dachshunds too, but more so from coyotes and eagles. One of my breeder’s pups got snatched by a bald eagle. Never made a sound.

    Posts: 24956

    Sounds like he is doing a bit better but like you said it sounds like a long road ahead. Come on little buddy you got this! You already escaped a nasty wolf.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    just curious, what are those tube things for? do they help the wound breath or something like that? I’ve never seen those before

    Posts: 24956

    just curious, what are those tube things for? do they help the wound breath or something like that? I’ve never seen those before

    Im sure its for drainage. I had something similar when I had my colorectomy.

    Bj jefferson
    Posts: 20

    At what point does it become self defense? How would one dispute that? Protected species or not, wolves are no joke if they’ll do that to a dog what would they do to a small child? Clearly nor overly intimidating beings this happened close to an inhabited dwelling. Good reason to get a can? Can’t catch what they can’t hear or see.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    At what point does it become self defense?

    [In MN] You can kill a wolf if its threatening human life, lifestock, or a domestic pet. It must be reported to a CO within 48 hours. I’m not sure on the laws in WI.

    Source: MN Statute 97B.645

    Subd. 3.Destroying wolves in defense of human life. A person may, at any time and without a permit, take a wolf in defense of the person’s own life or the life of another. A person who destroys a wolf under this subdivision must protect all evidence and report the taking to a conservation officer as soon as practicable but no later than 48 hours after the wolf is destroyed.

    Subd. 5.Destroying wolves threatening livestock, guard animals, or domestic animals. An owner of livestock, guard animals, or domestic animals, and the owner’s agents may, at any time and without a permit, shoot or destroy a wolf when the wolf is posing an immediate threat to livestock, a guard animal, or a domestic animal located on property owned, leased, or occupied by the owner of the livestock, guard animal, or domestic animal. A person who destroys a wolf under this subdivision must protect all evidence and report the taking to a conservation officer as soon as practicable but no later than 48 hours after the wolf is destroyed.

    Also, my understanding is the fact we can’t have an open season on wolves is because the MN DNR’s hands are tied from a federal level.

    Subd. 9.Open season. There shall be no open season for wolves until after the wolf is delisted under the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973. After that time, the commissioner may prescribe open seasons and restrictions for taking wolves but must provide opportunity for public comment.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3188

    [In MN] You can kill a wolf if its threatening human life, lifestock, or a domestic pet. It must be reported to a CO within 48 hours. I’m not sure on the laws in WI.

    Federal law though is that you can only kill endangered species in defense of human life, not pets or livestock.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    Thats really interesting Reef. I thought that was the case but then I looked it up and MN law contradicts that. As typical with government regulation, its clear as mud.

    Definitely a gray area… If a wolf was attacking my dog and I witnessed it, I would try to intervene. At that point, I think I could make a case that human life was being threatened.

    I’ve played this hypothetical situation over in my head hundreds of times. The areas I bird hunt are full of wolves and I’ve always got at least one dog with me. I carry a slug in my bird hunting vest for protection for myself and my dogs because I’m not 100% sure 7.5 shot would be enough.

    This episode of the birdshot podcast has several first hand stories of guys having wolf encounters with their hunting dogs. It’s a really good listen if for nothing else, mentally preparing one for the potential situation.

    #237 | “I Had a Wolf Encounter with My Bird Dog”

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18991

    Thats really interesting Reef. I thought that was the case but then I looked it up and MN law contradicts that. As typical with government regulation, its clear as mud.

    Federal law supersedes state law. Since they are still listed as endangered in the Great Lakes region, shooting one to protect a dog or livestock is in fact illegal. Shooting one to save a human life is legal. But there has only ever been one documented attack on a human in 150 years here, so that really holds no water.

    If a wolf was attacking my dog I would 100% try to protect and save it. I can’t blame anyone for trying to do that either. You’d simply state your case to an officer or judge and deal with the outcome.

    I’ve stated this before but until the feds delist them, the states hands are tied. I think they will eventually be de-listed (again) at some point. But it’s a very slow, arduous process and it has to survive legal challenges in court, which it did not twice in the past 15 years.

    They aren’t going to attack a person. You have nothing to fear. But if you have a dog, there is a remote chance of an attack. Grouse hunters in the northern tier know this is a risk, and you listed an example of that.

    They have obviously lost their fear of us because we can’t hunt or trap them. Once a lottery based quota season returns, there tables will turn and they will be more cautious around humans. I am in full favor of a state managed season on them here and in Wisconsin.

    Posts: 599

    Federal law supersedes state law

    Just like with marijuana?

    Posts: 24956

    Federal law supersedes state law

    Just like with marijuana?

    I was going to say the same thing.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18991

    Federal law supersedes state law

    Just like with marijuana?

    If federal law didn’t supersede state law when regulating wolves, both MN and WI would obviously both have a season, would they not?

    This thread is about gray wolves in the Great Lakes region. If you want to make it about the legalization of marijuana, start another thread.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    if a wolf or wolves attacked my dog or dogs and i had the means…..noone is gonna know!!!!!!

    i get this is about the wolf attack, but those guys have a valid point regarding weed!!!!! IMO anyway……do as i say not as i do thing!!!!!!

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    On this past Friday, the US Fish and Wildlife Service announced this press release relating to gray wolves and their status as endangered. Interestingly enough, it says the gray wolf is not in fact classified as “endangered” in Minnesota but rather listed as “threatened”. Interesting distinction I was unaware of

    Gray wolves are listed under the ESA as endangered in 44 states, threatened in Minnesota, and under state jurisdiction in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and portions of eastern Oregon and Washington


    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>TH wrote:</div>
    Federal law supersedes state law

    Just like with marijuana?

    I was going to say the same thing.

    I was thinking the same thing – that is a great example of how federal law can be disregarded by states in some cases, like with recreational MJ now legal in half the states in the USA.

    I also find it very interesting that MN has a current statute that says you can kill a wolf if its threatening livestock or a domestic animal, which is directly contradicting federal law [and also contradicts information on the MN DNR website].

    Posts: 3319

    Federal law supersedes state law

    Just like with marijuana?



    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>TH wrote:</div>
    Federal law supersedes state law

    Just like with marijuana?

    If federal law didn’t supersede state law when regulating wolves, both MN and WI would obviously both have a season, would they not?

    This thread is about gray wolves in the Great Lakes region. If you want to make it about the legalization of marijuana, start another thread.

    Gim….you so sure about this ? patricularly here in Mn…..with the current leadership we have, and a full blooded NA as Lt Gov?????? idnt think so!!!

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18991

    Am I sure this thread is about wolves? Yes, I’m sure of that. Until someone decided to interject some weed into it. doah

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