His name is Buster Brown half sheltie half Chihuahua . He is a sweet little dog he loves people. I taught him to do a number of tricks. he sits ,stays , plays dead , shakes hands left and right as fast as you can . At 11am my wife let him out to pee with our other little dog Peaches . Within a couple minutes Peaches was barking like crazy . Wife let her in , but no Buster . She closed the door and turned around and there he was standing . She let him in and says he was soaking wet . I got up and could see spots of blood on his hindquarters. I had a gut feeling he was hurt bad , his breathing was erratic . Had to wait till 1pm for the vet . They said they will call when there done around 330 pm . We get know call ? So wife calls vet and says we have been trying to reach you since 30 minutes after we left ? Nothing on wifes phone no text voicemail nothing no indication of a missed call ? So the vet did surgery on Buster a lacerated lung , his diaphragm is shredded , and a tear in his intestines . $1952.88 was the check the wife wrote out . A bag full of meds etc And directions to clean the drain tubes on both of his sides. If he survives the weekend we bring him back Monday to evaluate . Vet already said he will need lung surgery . No price on that ? It was not that long ago the wolf discussion was had here. Right now I’m feeling so sad of what that poor little guy is going through and there is nothing i can do about it ! I am also very very angry that this can even happen, my dog was on my land and got attacked and most likely will die from these injuries . Enough is enough ! Vet said i need to take pictures of bite marks with a ruler to show the spacing to report the attacK to the DNR. Right now he is so bruised up it’s hard to tell . Guess i needed to vent. I could say more but at this point what good would it do . Don
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » My dog got attacked by a wolf today .
My dog got attacked by a wolf today .
February 2, 2024 at 8:17 pm #2251701
The vet said the wolf picked him up and shook him and that is what caused all the damage
February 2, 2024 at 8:30 pm #2251705Damn, sorry yo hear that Don. That looks ugly. Hope your pooch pulls threw
February 2, 2024 at 8:44 pm #2251710Hope the dog heals properly.
Wolves do not tolerate other canines in their territory. Could it have possibly been a coyote instead? I don’t know how big the dog is, but a yote will attack a smaller dog.
February 2, 2024 at 9:11 pm #2251716Uffda, that’s no good, poor guy! Sorry for yeah! Had a family member living up by warroad, they were walking to the bus stop from there farm, long gravel driveway with there golden retriever puppy, wolf ran out it front of them grabbed there dog and was gone. Happens fast. Hope it all turns out for you.
February 2, 2024 at 9:39 pm #2251718Hope the dog heals properly.
Wolves do not tolerate other canines in their territory. Could it have possibly been a coyote instead? I don’t know how big the dog is, but a yote will attack a smaller dog.
At first i thought coyote also , but canines measured just shy of 1 1/2 wide on a skull from a 34 pound coyote i have . The 4 visible punctures were much greater one set was at least 3 inches and the other close to 3 3/4 inches Ruling out a coyote . Even the vet said a coyote did not do that . The dog weighs 21 pounds . Vet was astounded he was able to make it back to the house . I am fully aware of a wolfs nature, wolfs do not tolerate other canines period . Here’s the dilemma the wolves moved into the area last November and now they are in MY territory ! That is completely unacceptable ! To top it off Buster was outside for under 4 minutes so he poops on the edge of the lawn and comes back in so it happened close to the house .
February 2, 2024 at 9:49 pm #2251719Uffda, that’s no good, poor guy! Sorry for yeah! Had a family member living up by warroad, they were walking to the bus stop from there farm, long gravel driveway with there golden retriever puppy, wolf ran out it front of them grabbed there dog and was gone. Happens fast. Hope it all turns out for you.
Just googled wolf attacks on dogs in Wisconsin numerous reported cases so more frequent than i was aware of . Predation is widespread in northern tier of counties . Enough is enough .
Posts: 3319February 2, 2024 at 11:03 pm #2251723I agree Don. There are TOO MANY WOLVES in WI and MN. Neither states DNR want to do anything about it. I know that wolves are Federally Protected. State elected officials push a little on getting wolves delisted but the DNR does nothing to push the issue. In fact it looks to me that the DNR would like more wolves. JMO
I sure hope your Buster gets better.
Also I would get several pictures, copies of your Vet bills, and a statement from your Vet about what happened. Then I would send copies to all the elected officials in your area and to the DNR demanding compensation. Maybe an actual story with facts from a voter will get more officials involved.
Posts: 13046February 2, 2024 at 11:44 pm #2251727Sorry to hear that Don. Thoughts and prayers to Buster. I hope he makes it out all right.
February 3, 2024 at 3:33 am #2251729I agree Don. There are TOO MANY WOLVES in WI and MN. Neither states DNR want to do anything about it. I know that wolves are Federally Protected. State elected officials push a little on getting wolves delisted but the DNR does nothing to push the issue. In fact it looks to me that the DNR would like more wolves. JMO
I sure hope your Buster gets better.
Also I would get several pictures, copies of your Vet bills, and a statement from your Vet about what happened. Then I would send copies to all the elected officials in your area and to the DNR demanding compensation. Maybe an actual story with facts from a voter will get more officials involved.
I agree Don. There are TOO MANY WOLVES in WI and MN. Neither states DNR want to do anything about it. I know that wolves are Federally Protected. State elected officials push a little on getting wolves delisted but the DNR does nothing to push the issue. In fact it looks to me that the DNR would like more wolves. JMO
I sure hope your Buster gets better.
Also I would get several pictures, copies of your Vet bills, and a statement from your Vet about what happened. Then I would send copies to all the elected officials in your area and to the DNR demanding compensation. Maybe an actual story with facts from a voter will get more officials involved.
I had taken some pictures before he was operated on . I see there is a toll free number in Rhinelander Wis to call and report wolf attacks .I will be seeking restitution .Wife and are both heart broken. I always said he was her dog when he messed up . In my heart he was always mine .
February 3, 2024 at 3:44 am #2251730Sorry to hear that Don. Thoughts and prayers to Buster. I hope he makes it out all right.
Thanks much Rip he needs all the help he can get right now .
Posts: 769February 3, 2024 at 7:03 am #2251736Being a dog lover, I know how hard is for you and your wife to look at Busters wounds each day. I hope he is able to recover!
Posts: 2069February 3, 2024 at 7:51 am #2251738Bad deal – know anybody with a back hoe and a 243 ? Think I’d be punching a few personal wolf tags .
Posts: 6688February 3, 2024 at 7:57 am #2251740Did you call the game warden?
In Wisconsin for restitution they need to do an investigation to decide if it was a wolf or a coyote (mainly looking at tracks in the area of the attack).
I feel for you Don. Two of my beagles were attacked years ago by a coyote(s) while out hunting snowshoe hare. One of them got away with just a bunch of slobber on her back, my other one had holes bitten in him and needed those tubes installed to drain.
Gitchi Gummi
Posts: 3474February 3, 2024 at 8:28 am #2251743thats absolutely terrible. I’m sorry Don. Everyone here is pulling for Buster Brown.
Posts: 2232February 3, 2024 at 9:51 am #2251753Hope the best for your dog !
Report incident to the DNR.
Send a letter or an email to your state rep and state senator with a photo or two.
Send an email or letter to Gov Walz with a photo or two.
Posts: 2232February 3, 2024 at 9:53 am #2251754I bet you those in the DNR that support wolf management (example: harvest excess wolves) have to be very careful in what they say or do.
Posts: 180February 3, 2024 at 9:57 am #2251755Wolf management is political, not biological.
Sending Gov Walz a letter would be as helpful as pissing into the wind…
Posts: 24956February 3, 2024 at 10:14 am #2251759Awful news Don! Hope your buddy pulls through. We’ve had wolves and cougars spotted in our area all summer so I told the wife the little dog must be on a leash.
February 3, 2024 at 10:23 am #2251760That is AWFUL Don.
Hope the little guy makes it through okay!!
I feel for you bothFebruary 3, 2024 at 10:42 am #2251761I want to thank all of you for your kind words . APHIS will be here shortly . I looked and looked yesterday and found no sign of were it happened . Could hardly sleep last night was up at 2am . Buster did finally drink some water and he was able to pee . No food yet . Again thank you all !
Posts: 338February 3, 2024 at 10:46 am #2251762So sorry to hear, hope he has a speedy recovery. Definitely report this incident and go for full restitution. The state has the funds. Report to the USDA-WS. Good luck and best wishes for your pet.
Posts: 762February 3, 2024 at 12:27 pm #2251774Without trying to sound like I am sugar-coating the injuries, the fact that he is drinking and peeing are very encouraging signs.
Animals are extremely resilient. You have good reason to be hopeful.LabDaddy1
Posts: 2873February 3, 2024 at 12:47 pm #2251777That’s crazy and so unfortunate! I feel for you and the dog both. Here’s to hoping for the best.
February 3, 2024 at 1:46 pm #2251791Sending Gov Walz a letter would be as helpful as pissing into the wind…
Yes, because he’s also not the governor in Wisconsin.
Tony Evers is the guy you’re looking for here.
Posts: 1722February 3, 2024 at 2:44 pm #2251796DANG!!! Poor little fella. Drinking & peeing is a good hopeful sign.
If you happen to find a dead wolf near your house, just bury that sucker ASAP and don’t say anything to anyone about it. Even family members could drop a dime on you.
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