My dog got attached by a wolf today .

  • Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1754

    His name is Buster Brown half sheltie half Chihuahua . He is a sweet little dog he loves people. I taught him to do a number of tricks. he sits ,stays , plays dead , shakes hands left and right as fast as you can . At 11am my wife let him out to pee with our other little dog Peaches . Within a couple minutes Peaches was barking like crazy . Wife let her in , but no Buster . She closed the door and turned around and there he was standing . She let him in and says he was soaking wet . I got up and could see spots of blood on his hindquarters. I had a gut feeling he was hurt bad , his breathing was erratic . Had to wait till 1pm for the vet . They said they will call when there done around 330 pm . We get know call ? So wife calls vet and says we have been trying to reach you since 30 minutes after we left ? Nothing on wifes phone no text voicemail nothing no indication of a missed call ? So the vet did surgery on Buster a lacerated lung , his diaphragm is shredded , and a tear in his intestines . $1952.88 was the check the wife wrote out . A bag full of meds etc And directions to clean the drain tubes on both of his sides. If he survives the weekend we bring him back Monday to evaluate . Vet already said he will need lung surgery . No price on that ? It was not that long ago the wolf discussion was had here. Right now I’m feeling so sad of what that poor little guy is going through and there is nothing i can do about it ! I am also very very angry that this can even happen, my dog was on my land and got attacked and most likely will die from these injuries . Enough is enough ! Vet said i need to take pictures of bite marks with a ruler to show the spacing to report the attacK to the DNR. Right now he is so bruised up it’s hard to tell . Guess i needed to vent. I could say more but at this point what good would it do . Don

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