My Cousin Vinny

  • Sharon
    SE Metro
    Posts: 5557

    Sharon, if you’re up for a Hot Shots marathon, let me know!

    Yes, that sounds awesome! 😁🍿🎬

    Posts: 4362

    Wedding Crashers—-Joe Dirt

    Central Mn
    Posts: 1603

    Trains, Planes, & Automobiles

    Posts: 6631

    Lots of great movies listed

    I’d have to say that Kingpin is probably my favorite of all time. Bill Murray, Randy Quaid and Woody Harrelson are awesome in it mrgreen

    1. Screenshot_20200329-0818562.png

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    Bill Murray has far more great movies then clunkers. applause

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 788

    I can’t believe I haven’t seen my favorite yet

    Blues Brothers

    Posts: 6631

    My favorite “modern” comedy is probably Macgruber. It’s over the top, but that’s what makes it so great. About 64 people globally people have seen it )

    There’s scenes in it that about make me pizz my pants lol

    “$hit…..gotta go deal with the brass…”

    Posts: 959

    Coming to America
    Bad grandpa
    Bad Santa
    Me, myself & Irene
    The zohan

    Posts: 98

    They’re all listed pretty much, but anything produced by Mel Brooks.

    Anything with Bill Murray in it.

    Can’t forget the Great Outdoors

    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 472

    Up in Smoke, Pineapple Express, Grumpy Old Men 1 and 2, SpaceBalls off the top of my head. There are so many good comedies. A lesser known comedy is the dark comedy Death To Smoochie. Danny Devito, Robin Williams, and Ed Norton in an amazingly wild comedy.

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