My boat was molested by an AIS inspector!

  • Tim Bossert
    Cochrane, WI
    Posts: 429

    It is a cultural thing. Tree huggers aside, we get it. I, too have been checked; no big deal, but the process behind it, for mostly the wrong reasons (lake home owners) is the bull that most do not deal well with.

    I disagree that venting on a public forum will do no good. This is the exact place to do it. Educating others. Look at many of the posts on here and many many many are gripes in the “wrong Place”. I do agree; however, that one should also voice their dismay with the ones that can change the behavior. We don’t know that the OP didn’t, as it was not mentioned.

    That being said, maybe OP used a couple of words that were misplaced. So be it. Not the end of the world. Too many being to overly critical. This is what is wrong with our world going forward, too many feelings getting hurt. Buck up! Let the man vent. Man venting, let the people educate you and thank them if you are incorrect.

    THIS is what a public forum is for. NOW go clean your dust off the boat and go fishing.

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    For clarification for those that misread my OP as well as my response to another member.

    1) I never said I was impolite or miss treated this inspector at all. I am always respectful and polite to the inspectors. Its a job that they were hired to do. They are employees no more no less.

    2) I also mentioned that I have talked with the DNR and my state representatives with no avail.

    3) As others have said its the whole process and the motives behind those processes with, IMHO, very marginal returns for the hassles and waisted tax dollars.

    4) When my property has potential for damage and or my constitutional rights are being stepped on that is where the cooperation ends on my part. I will protect my property and my rights! Its my right do do so…… least today it is.

    craig s
    Posts: 248

    Curious, is the day coming when during duck season as duck hunters were gonna have our decoys inspected one by one??

    Are they gonna de-contaminate each decoy line before and after? hah

    La Crosse WI
    Posts: 101

    Curious, is the day coming when during duck season as duck hunters were gonna have our decoys inspected one by one??

    Are they gonna de-contaminate each decoy line before and after? hah

    What about your dog. will he be de-contmantited or will he get a fine and have to to to the pound. As he talks to the other dogs (that are in the pound) what are you in for? spreading AIS! LMAO

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    2) I also mentioned that I have talked with the DNR and my state representatives with no avail.

    I missed that.

    The problem I have with “venting” is that it contributes to unfair treatment of the inspectors and likely CO’s by others that read it. As we’ve already read, some guys are already treating the inspectors like crap for no reason. And many times it’s caused by exaggerated or biased stories.

    I know this because I hear it from people I know, people I meet and on here.

    It was a long process to get where we’re at today and it’ll be twice as long to undo it.

    The more I think about it the more I realize. Not much has changed for me since I first got my drivers license in 1996. I’ve always removed weeds from my trailer and drained lake water from my boat ever since I first backed a boat trailer in the water. We make it sound like all of the public waters we used to fish are no longer accessible.

    I’m not blind. I see the implications of what’s happening. Gates are being put up at boat landings, long lines to get through inspections only to be reminded of something we’ve known for the last 30+ years. The gates at Christmas Lake are a symbol and a precedence of what can happen anywhere and everywhere.

    I get it. What I don’t get is why we need to take it out on the inspectors.

    craig s
    Posts: 248

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>craig s wrote:</div>
    Curious, is the day coming when during duck season as duck hunters were gonna have our decoys inspected one by one??

    Are they gonna de-contaminate each decoy line before and after? hah

    What about your dog. will he be de-contmantited or will he get a fine and have to to to the pound. As he talks to the other dogs (that are in the pound) what are you in for? spreading AIS! LMAO

    I swam thru a patch of I got shaved and steamed…

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    What I don’t get is why we need to take it out on the inspectors.

    Because the guys that made the BS laws are in a St Paul office. (?)

    Please, I prefer multiple choice questions. ;)

    Posts: 2687

    Personally I have had a couple great comical conversations with “inspectors”. There were a couple older more educated guys at a landing a few years back. They were monitoring entering traffic only. After they give me the ok to launch, as respectfully as I could I asked if they wanted to check inside all the channels of my trailer and between the carpeted bunks and boat? Did it with a straight face. They looked at each other and back at me like what the flatulence. Told them I was just being a jack wagon and we all had a good laugh. They acknowledged there’s a lot of holes in the process of inspecting for ais and we had a friendly chat.

    The duck hunting gear check is a huge part of what I see coming. My kids are 4th generation waterfowl hunters and the hoops we already have to jump through is getting a bit much. Piling on how dirty of a sport waterfowl hunting can be and it’ll just keep pushing more and more guys away from it year after year.

    I’ve still got ais stickers in case a co starts seeing how far he can out water a tree from me. Then when he’s about to leave I ask if he wants to see my ais sticker and point to it. Did it once and they both looked at their boots and said I didn’t need one. Where the rubber meets the road, ais’s are here and going nowhere and will continue to spread. You can only monitor stuff on such a teeny-tiny scale and there is still people who just plain don’t care or won’t no matter the consequences or fines and one screw up is all it takes. Even if it’s on a rig that gets cleaned properly.

    If every lake is infested 20 years from now, what good will any of this do?

    These ais were brought here by what?

    As long as ballast water is still being carted around the globe, this stuff will still happen with human behavior that isn’t stopping because of ais but sportsmen and recreational boaters will suffer the consequences of others behaviors.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>biggill wrote:</div>
    What I don’t get is why we need to take it out on the inspectors.

    Because the guys that made the BS laws are in a St Paul office. (?)

    Please, I prefer multiple choice questions. ;)

    Kinda like voting?

    Posts: 2123

    If I can barge in here I have a question..

    Are we only state that really does AIS inspection, I seeing of other state fishing videos where the guys boats are covered in weeds when they leave the boat ramp and never clean them off.

    So how many years until live bait will be outlawed and we have to use worms or gulp?

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736

    I Will NEVER Fish in MN again. LOVE IT IN WI. NO AIS–BS.!!!!!!!! ….. rrr

    Oakdale, MN
    Posts: 1189

    Are we only state that really does AIS inspection, I seeing of other state fishing videos where the guys boats are covered in weeds when they leave the boat ramp and never clean them off.
    So how many years until live bait will be outlawed and we have to use worms or gulp?

    California, Nevada and Montana have inspections. Some other states may too. In fact California has very stringent screening and require stickers to prove your boat is inspected and free of mussels. They have zebra mussels in some lakes out there too.

    I spoke with a contractor from Louisiana that was doing boat inspections on pool 2 at Lion’s Levee back in May that claims he was a fish & wildlife biologist. He said some states are much worse than Minnesota, but most southern states have little to no inspections or concern about water issues. He also claimed that Minnesota was leaning toward being more stringent like California.

    Oakdale, MN
    Posts: 1189

    Looks like Wyoming, New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon and Colorado also have inspections.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    I Will NEVER Fish in MN again. LOVE IT IN WI. NO AIS–BS.!!!!!!!! ….. rrr

    The lake our cabin is on in Cumberland, WI has eurasian milfoil. It was discovered close to 10 years ago. In order to try and control/contain it, we had to form a Lake District and started paying extra Lake District taxes. The Lake District was required (legal entity) in order to deal with the WI DNR and also qualify for grants to help with treatment. In order to qualify for the grants, we are also required to staff the only public landing on the lake with AIS inspectors/educators. This is done mostly by volunteers. It doesn’t sound like it is as much of a PITA as what is being done in MN.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    If I can
    Are we only state that really does AIS inspection,

    Based on what I saw entering the following states over the last couple of weeks, no.

    California, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming all had check stations on either I 80 or I90. People here should feel pretty darned lucky. Many of California’s better fisheries require inspections, registrations, permits by application to fish.

    Someone asked why take it out on the inspectors. I have found them sleeping in their truck when I came to fish and when I have packed it up. I have on more than one occasion watched as two [same two, same launch site/lake] simply sat in the truck listening to the radio while people came and went and while the DNR MAINTAINED launch-site was a garbage dump. They are being paid to do a job so if they aren’t going to do why not at least have them pick up garbage?

    One of the dinks sleeping had his picture taken along with another of him in the truck showing the license number. These pictures were emailed to the St. Paul headquarters and I never heard boo back from them.

    The best way to see this crap go away is to require those creating the laws to spend a whole week practicing what they think is a great idea…in the summer when they aren’t in session and no additional pay. A second thing would be to enact some policy on the home-owners in membership to those associations to tighten up current laws/requirements [water usage, dock sizes, high water line encroachment] and to make them liable and accountable for any problems at PUBLIC landings.

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 39

    So who is inspecting the ducks?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    The best way to see this crap go away is to require those creating the laws to spend a whole week practicing what they think is a great idea…

    Tom? Will you run with me as Vice President?

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    You bet Brian. Can I bring my castration tools?

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    heck i’d vote for that team……………..stinkbait in every frig and a crappie in every pot!!!!!!!!!!!!! devil toast toast waytogo woot rotflol

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