Muzzleloader Pellets are directional

  • FishBlood&RiverMud
    Posts: 6687

    Just a heads up as we head into muzzleloader season.

    If you use pellets. You’ll notice one side of the pellet is darker than the other. This is intentional.

    The darker side should be loaded toward the primer. The darker color is an added accelerant and aids in proper ignition

    If you load consistently you’ll get consistent results… and visa versa.
    Figured this isn’t commonly known so I’d share.


    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12471

    Great reminder. I just learned that a few seasons ago. No longer use pellets but a great reminder for those that do.

    Posts: 1168

    Thanks for the heads up – I use IMR White Hots and I do not believe one side has more accelerant than the other (both sides are white). Or am I blind?

    Hastings, Mn
    Posts: 477

    I never knew this. I just switched from white hots to 777 pellets. Have only fired the new 777 a couple times. Never noticed it in the white hots but will need to look closer at the 777 pellets. Thanks!

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12471

    I know 777 normally come with the darker side down in the package. But its always a good idea to look when dropping the pellet into the Barrel.

    Side note here: not to discourage anyone from using pellets ( I did for many years ) But when I switched to Blackhorn 209 a few years ago my Accuracy improved greatly. Its slightly more work measuring powder, but for the amount of shots I take each season its no big deal. Its much cleaner and you can load far more loads between cleanup while sighting it in. Cleanup after shooting is also far easier.

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