Muzzleloader buck

  • mattgroff
    Posts: 585

    With the hunting season in its closing month I was beginning to think the filling my buck tag was almost a pipe dream. However I was going to take Monday and Tuesday off work and duck hunt down by pepin. Bit with some scouting and lac of birds I decided to head to our cabin in southeastern Minnesota and try and fill the freezer. I left Inver grove about 10:45 on Monday. With a short 2 hour drive I was in rushford Minnesota stopped in at the farmers just to say hi and make sure I could sit in the box blind over his cut corn off the road. The does pile out heavy there every night and I was hoping to pile one up. At about 4:30 I looked up the hill and here come 3 does. Shortly after they got in the field a truck drove by and they cleared. About 15 min later I looked to the right of the fence line and noticed a whole heard heading my way. Not yet knowing there was a buck in the mix I had my sights set on a big ole nanny however a small buck cought my wind and started to head back up the hill. That’s when I seen rack. Nudging does he got about 35 yards but didn’t have a shot yet. He sat there for a bit and finally started to follow the other deer up the hill I stopped him and of course he stops behind a tree. However his front half of his body was showing so I settled on him and boooooom let the t/c bark. Not knowing if I hit him with all the smoke. I got out and was disappointed as I watched all the deer head up the valley. I walked around the pasture for a bit looking for blood knowing that they had to cross the road to get up in the cedars I went to my truck and drove around to the spot where I thought he crossed. As I walked down the road with my flash light I walked about 50 yards and found good blood on the road. I marked the tree that he had went up the hill by. And backed out. Not knowing where I hit him and the hill the ran up I was unsure. Headed back home. Got ahold of my buddy to head back down in the morning. We got down about 8 o’clock parked the truck by the blood. My buddy was looking up the hill just getting ready to pack a load in his muzzleloader when I hear I see him. I’m like no way. I ran over and looked up the hill. There he was 40 yards up in the cedars piled up. My first deer with a muzzleloader and a another trophy for the wall and some meat for the freezer.

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    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Congrats Matt. Very, very nice buck. And with a muzzy too. waytogo

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    Very nice ! Wish me luck this weekend ! wink

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1416

    What a Brute!! Nice Job!!! bow

    Posts: 178

    truly amazing buck! I don’t think they grow them that big here in north branch mn!

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Two big bucks for the family this year! Congrats!

    Did you get a rough measurement?

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    Congratulations. Nice pics. Thanks for sharing.

    Posts: 585

    Yep score was 141 on the nuts.
    Thank you all for the kind words.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    Nice buck and beautiful pics. Congrats!


    Posts: 25044

    Cool story, cooler pics! Nice deer for sure. Jealous!

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