Must see TV

  • Hard Water Fan
    Posts: 1094

    There is a Wild game tonight. That will be my priority.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    I’m too busy for American politics at the moment

    1. IMG_2433-scaled.jpeg

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    My point is that none of this is helpful if you want to win elections. You can’t expect to keep control of the House or win the Senate/White House with this nonsense going on. Maybe I am wrong, but it does not look good to swing voters. No one can tell me that they think this is going to win over more voters with an honest face, and that’s the end goal here. To win elections and/or majority.

    Could not agree more. But then again. This is the way the system is designed to work. I don’t see some republicans not agreeing with a choice as Bad. I’d rather see that than what happens on the other side. Far Far less democrats broke rank in their vote than Republicans. That said I agree its not a good look for them.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3413

    the republicans have no excuses for not winning the next elections. it will be interesting to watch play out, thats for sure.

    on a related note, interesting there’s been no mention on this site of the parties starting to plead guilty to election conspiracy cases from the last election. that too, will be interesting to watch as it plays out for the other defendants.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    the republicans have no excuses for not winning the next elections. it will be interesting to watch play out, thats for sure.

    If Trump gets out of the way I agree. If not, All bets are off. I simply do not see any republican who voted against trump last time doing any different this time. And I for sure do not see any Democrat who voted for Biden, doing any different this time. For that matter I don’t see a Democrat voting any different no matter who their candidate is. I also don’t see 4 more years of new voters being added to the voting pool helping much. Just my opinion, For this countries sake I hope I am wrong.

    South metro
    Posts: 548

    Problem is you have too many single-issue voters. If it’s not abortion or free college – they don’t care.

    Are far as the clown show speaker fiasco affecting the next election – forget it. Voters memories are way too short for that…

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    Problem is you have too many single-issue voters. If it’s not abortion or free college – they don’t care.

    Agree. That is a Huge problem. Lets let our country go to poop, Just as long as abortions are legal and we get free education.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3413

    For that matter I don’t see a Democrat voting any different no matter who their candidate is.

    to your own point, if Trump is out of the picture, I believe there’d be a lot of voters move from blue to red.

    I think my favorite political sign from the last election was “I’m a republican but I’m not an idiot. Anyone but Trump”

    Posts: 94

    If you can’t control your party there is no way the majority of the people in this country are going to elect you President. The Electoral College may, but the people won’t.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    I think my favorite political sign from the last election was “I’m a republican but I’m not an idiot. Anyone but Trump”

    I think this country is, and has been for years, yearning for a moderate Republican, someone with conservative values, principles, and voting record but doesn’t want to cancel everything, bring doom and gloom about children’s books, or promote crazy conspiracies about stolen elections. Someone that would want only responsible spending, secure borders, and maybe even libertarian “to each their own” views on various freedoms. Additionally, some decency would be great. There are those out there who fit that description but many are labeled as RINO’s by the MAGA crowd.

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2220

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Gitchi Gummi wrote:</div>
    I think my favorite political sign from the last election was “I’m a republican but I’m not an idiot. Anyone but Trump”

    I think this country is, and has been for years, yearning for a moderate Republican, someone with conservative values, principles, and voting record but doesn’t want to cancel everything, bring doom and gloom about children’s books, or promote crazy conspiracies about stolen elections. Someone that would want only responsible spending, secure borders, and maybe even libertarian “to each their own” views on various freedoms. Additionally, some decency would be great. There are those out there who fit that description but many are labeled as RINO’s by the MAGA crowd.

    I agree. How do we make that happen?

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    I think this country is, and has been for years, yearning for a moderate Republican

    There are those out there who fit that description

    Who do you think are those candidates?
    What do you think a democrat is yearning for?

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Trying to listen to Biden is like watching Ozzy on the Osbourne’s. Can’t understand a friggen word.

    I’ll read a re-cap tomorrow. coffee

    The preview is:

    President Biden is expected to ask Congress in the coming days to approve about $100 billion in emergency funds to arm Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan and fortify the U.S.-Mexico border, according to multiple people familiar with the plan.


    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    Every time I see Biden, he looks more and more like him……

    1. 151016112438-01-joe-biden-file-super-tease.jpg

    2. Ktcivj.jpg

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    Every time I see Biden, he looks more and more like him……

    They do, But Walter has far great Cognitive Ability. And he’s the one people call a dummy jester

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Seems to me WWIII has begun and no one seems to have noticed. Funny how history repeats itself…..


    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    What do you think a democrat is yearning for?

    I don’t know the context or reasoning behind asking that question, but I have no idea. I also don’t align with the majority of far-left and liberal policies and beliefs so I don’t care either. The Democrats, to probably a lesser extent, have their own differing factions. I’m sure I’ll catch hell for this, but people like Biden and Amy Klobuchar are somewhat moderate compared to the far-left progressive part of the party. Obama caught hell when he said on TV that he didn’t believe the police needed to be defunded. Biden caught hell when he didn’t want to relieve every single penny of student loan debt, like a lot of the far-left wanted

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    but people like Biden and Amy Klobuchar are somewhat moderate compared to the far-left progressive part of the party

    I have no idea where Biden truly lands on the scale. At this point I’m not even sure if he know where he is. I do know that his strings are being held and pulled by some of those far left party members you are talking about.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    I think this country is, and has been for years, yearning for a moderate Republican, someone with conservative values, principles, and voting record but doesn’t want to cancel everything, bring doom and gloom about children’s books, or promote crazy conspiracies about stolen elections. Someone that would want only responsible spending, secure borders, and maybe even libertarian “to each their own” views on various freedoms. Additionally, some decency would be great. There are those out there who fit that description but many are labeled as RINO’s by the MAGA crowd.

    Sounds great to me but I won’t hold my breath. I think the majority of folks, including many here, consider that brand of politics outdated and enjoy the extremist point of view prevalent in today’s GOP.

    Problem is you have too many single-issue voters. If it’s not abortion or free college – they don’t care

    Yes it is only liberals who are single issue voters. I’ve heard nothing but “money” and “secure border” out of folks on this forum for years. If a politician says the word God they automatically get the votes of millions of blue hairs

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    Imagine if the republicans would just get off the Trump train. The Dems have no good candidates and would be easily beaten in elections if republicans could just let go of Trump. They lose all the moderate voters that don’t like either side but would never vote for Trump so they vote Dem. I just don’t understand how they don’t see this.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Imagine if the republicans would just get off the Trump train.

    As mentioned already. The vote is for the party, not the candidate. Both parties need to put up better candidates.

    The last 2 election have been “Who you vote against” rather than “Who you vote for”.


    Posts: 24606

    I think the majority of folks, including many here, consider that brand of politics outdated and enjoy the extremist point of view prevalent in today’s GOP.

    Puhlease I just cant even with this comment.
    I think Bobby Kennedy Jr would be a viable candidate but he stands to hurt Trump more than help him. I sure hope Trump doesnt get the nod because we could have a good race. Normally I dont like it when a third party comes into the fray, but this time one could win. Its crazy that more voting registered democrats dont want Biden to run, but they just march him down there anyway.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    Imagine if the republicans would just get off the Trump train. The Dems have no good candidates and would be easily beaten in elections if republicans could just let go of Trump. They lose all the moderate voters that don’t like either side but would never vote for Trump so they vote Dem. I just don’t understand how they don’t see this.

    Fully agreed here.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Puhlease I just cant even with this comment.

    If it wasnt true than how do you explain Trump as the face of the party for the last 8 years and people like Romney, Cain, and Cheney being cast aside as traitors and RINO’s? If the majority of people didnt approve of the Trump’s message he wouldnt have won (twice?)

    In todays politics if you work with a Democrat on legislation you better prepare your resignation letter. Wasnt always that way

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    Normally I dont like it when a third party comes into the fray, but this time one could win.

    Former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has floated this idea, as has Senator Joe Manchin. They have called it a “No Labels” party.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    I think half the country has starting hating liberal politics so much they WANTED an extremist. I’m not saying that’s right, but each election each side gets more hate able and extreme to counter the other. It’s a never ending spiral I fear, unfortunately.

    But in the end, if we’re being honest here, that’s what they both want.

    Posts: 3319

    Hard pass for me. Would rather watch just about anything.

    Same here. I got a scab to pick at if Politics is all that’s on TV. whistling

    Posts: 24606

    If it wasnt true than how do you explain Trump as the face of the party for the last 8 years and people like Romney, Cain, and Cheney being cast aside as traitors and RINO’s? If the majority of people didnt approve of the Trump’s message he wouldnt have won (twice?)

    In todays politics if you work with a Democrat on legislation you better prepare your resignation letter. Wasnt always that way

    Its the “GOP Extemist” part of your comment. So the Democrats are immune from that? Yeah right! Has even ONE democrat even crossed party lines to side with a Republican on anything literally anything? No, they havent. The democrats have groups like BLM, Antifa, etc all on their side, to if you want to start talking about extremism start there.

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