Muskies on miltona

  • Tyler Schlabsz
    Posts: 8

    Hey just curious if anyone has tips on trolling with big suckers for Muskies, I’ll be taking my dad out to miltona tmrw and have never tried trolling suckers.. Also if anyone knows a bait shop in Alexandria selling 15+ inch suckers that would be great!

    Thanks Tyler

    Posts: 9313

    The only real bait shop in Alec is Christopherson’s. I haven’t ever seen any that big but you never know.

    Posts: 9313

    What direction are you coming from?

    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1739

    Wasn’t sure what kind of responses you would get as the PMTT year-end Championship is next weekend. And you still might not get many…

    As for trolling them, not sure what water temps are nor where the best current holding spots are for Miltona skies right now. In WI this time of the year, sucker fisherman usually run as many sucker lines as they can get away with up to 3 per man. Rule changes have impacted that, depending on location… but here is the gist of running them.

    Always run quick-strike rigs for your suckers so that you are protecting the fish as best as possible from injury. Then depending on the depth your baits are running if you are casting, try to run one sucker next to the boat at that depth or just a bit above it, so that any followers are able to see it and hopefully hit your meat. Another can be run set close to the depth you are running near the bottom. Some people run these suckers without a bobber, some run them with a bobber attached.

    Now to keep a 15″ sucker down you will need some weight particularly on the deep one as more line, faster drift will have the sucker off the bottom farther than you want them. You may be using an ounce, it may require more weight than that… My boss who is a guide and an excellent sucker fisherman, loves quiet, cold afternoons, bottoms of breaks and slowww…

    Good Luck, I like fishing them, but right now I generally only get a day to fish them and keeping live bait is such a pain, even with the cool/colder water that I really don’t fish suckers that much any more…


    Tyler Schlabsz
    Posts: 8

    Coming from St. Cloud found a bait shop with big suckers so I’m all good

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