Looks very nice gimruis. Sorry if you’ve posted about this before and I missed it or forgot, but what steps did you take with the fish that lead to the mount? I’ve never gotten a replica mount but would be all for it, so I’m curious what measurements/pictures you got. Anything you’d do different or advice for anglers in the future who would get a replica mount?
Thanks Dan! When I caught the fish, I took several photos of it horizontally and vertically. I also took a photo of its measurement prior to releasing it. LAX Reproductions in Conover, WI specializes in muskie replicas. His specialty is replicas of pure strain muskies but he also does a fair amount of tiger muskies, along with an infrequent northern pike. He will also make a replica of other freshwater species as you can see on his display photo, but 90% of his work are muskie replicas. He told me that he blows up the photos on a tablet and then paints a graphite mold based on the photos. I have looked closely at the photos and compared it to the replica and I can see specific markings and features that they both have, so his attention to detail is high. His work is impeccable too, as I have seen a couple other replicas in person done by him before I placed my order.
You can have it shipped or pick it up at his shop, or you can do what I did and pick it up at a muskie expo. There is usually one at the Twin Cities in March. I went to Wausau, WI to get mine. The best part about picking it up in person at an expo is walking out with it. Every single person you walk past gets to see it.