Muskie(?) bites 11 year old girl.

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    The photo at the end of the articale is very graphic. You’ve been warned.

    DULUTH, Minn.—Ryan Kesselhon couldn’t figure out what was happening to his 11-year-old daughter, Maren. One minute, Maren had been peacefully dangling from her family’s paddleboard in Island Lake on Wednesday afternoon. The next second she was screaming wildly.

    “I couldn’t figure out what she was screaming about,” Ryan Kesselhon said. “Then she lifted her foot out of the water, and I could see it was filleted open in many places.”

    See link for rest of the story.


    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Wow.. Completely terrifying for a young girl! Glad she’s okay~!

    Queue the commercialized fishing industry to provide a foot like top water lure for purchase.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 11337

    Looks more like an otter bite, with the two canine’s. Which has also happened on that lake previously, but who knows. Has there ever been a confirmed musky attack on a human?

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1490

    Seems more likely that it was an otter than a muskie.
    Bad deal regardless for the young girl!

    Pat McSharry
    Saint Michael, MN
    Posts: 713

    That’s a nasty bite. If it were from a musky it would have a lot more tooth marks though.

    1. Musky-Jaw.jpg

    Posts: 184

    Otter for sure. No way a muskie would make that type of wound. Just another scare tactic from those opposed to musky stocking. I’ve heard of a confirmed musky bite when I was younger. Fish somehow got stuck in a netted off swimming area and was probably starving. Wounds looked nothing like this. Think about all the little razor teeth on the top jaw of musky/pike and all the little punctures that would create. None of that here..

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18483

    Unless they are certain it was a fish they should be pursuing rabies shots.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    There is no way that was from a musky. Nasty wound, though!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    “Bitten 25 times”

    I know it doesn’t really matter if it was once or 25 times, but for the love of…

    I see sloppy “journalism” like this and wonder what other stories I believed that were factually incorrect.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    On a somewhat related note…

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    There is no way that is a musky bite. But everyone who heard the tall tail on the radio and didn’t see the pictures will believe it was a muskie.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    So I did a Google search to see if I could find any good pictures of Muskie bites on people and the picture of the girl with the otter bite came right up. doah Looking at all the marks even on fish that muskies have nipped at, they don’t look anything like that poor girl’s foot.

    Posts: 21905

    I’ve heard of a confirmed musky bite when I was younger. Fish somehow got stuck in a netted off swimming area and was probably starving. Wounds looked nothing like this.

    Yes, that was on Lake Rebecca.
    There is no way that is a musky bite. Poor kid, but that lake has had issues with otters in the past where the one woman training for a triathlon was bit 25 times.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    It’s definitely a musky bite. Its time we stop treating them with kids gloves and start harvesting them before they kill someone. Delist them! coffee

    Posts: 7348

    For the love of all things good let my family find out nothing of this incident. Will forever be stuck to pools and slip n slides. chased

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 4203

    Edit…..i should have read the article and my joke wasn’t funny after seeing her foot. Hope she’s ok.

    Posts: 7348

    Similar to court cases, I’ll trust the experts with first hand knowledge which would be the doctors in this case. They have seen all the wounds, they treated them, etc and they’re fairly confident it was a fish.

    The two large lacerations in photo look otterish to me as well, but to rip the flesh down like that the otter would’ve had to engulf her whole foot, which isn’t possible, or a side attack with both upper and lower jaws biting into area but would assume there would be alot more bruising and swelling in area for the two sets of teeth to cut that large of holes back and forth.

    Be interesting what comes about from this. Prayers to the lil girl hope she heals up well.

    Posts: 21905

    Similar to court cases, I’ll trust the experts with first hand knowledge which would be the doctors in this case. They have seen all the wounds, they treated them, etc and they’re fairly confident it was a fish.

    How big is an 11 year old girl’s foot? Seeing otters in the wild and watching them crunch down on crayfish with those nasty fangs on the top I could absolutely see them engulfing a child’s foot. Its not like we are talking about an adult here. Adult otters are quite good sized and when they open their mouth the jowls actually widen. Take a look at this pic.

    The wound itself and complete lack of other tooth marks make me also think there is no way this is a musky. How many rows of razor sharp teeth and the depth of that cut? Hmm, I don’t think so…

    1. 2366769_d0072134.jpg

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    t’s definitely a musky bite. Its time we stop treating them with kids gloves and start harvesting them before they kill someone.

    I don’t use kid gloves but do use a release glove whenever handling muskies. I have cut up my hands too many times going for the pocket and having them jump.

    Posts: 7348

    Well you bring up another good point captain, otters do crunch down on alot of hard prey, which would dull the teeth and the docs wouldn’t see these very sharp cuts as they explained in article.

    Girls tend to grow faster than boys, and going off my own girls no way an otters throating my oldest foot when she was 11 or even my 9 yr old feet right now.

    Just adding another possible side to the story……or am I devil
    otter know better

    Posts: 4887


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    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Mammal teeth are built to puncture and tear. Those are musky bites.

    Posts: 21905

    Mammal teeth are built to puncture and tear. Those are musky bites.

    What happens when something is clamped down on it with “teeth designed to puncture or tear” and you pull that something away (in this case her foot)?
    Look at the jaw pic of the musky that Pat posted above, compare that to the pic of an otters mouth and you can tell me that you think a musky did that?
    Come on man! Rows and rows of teeth in a musky’s mouth and there are 2 long cuts to the bone? Not buying it, but whatever.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I’m not selling anything.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 5995

    Here we go again!

    Muskie Bites Woman’s Foot on Island Lake

    A 22-year-old woman was attacked by what looked like a Muskie Sunday on Island Lake.

    September 04, 2017 09:28 PM

    It appears a muskie has struck again on Island Lake.

    Paige Dougherty, 22, was dangling her feet in the water off her parents’ dock Sunday when her foot was bit.

    Wendy Haldorson, her mother, said Paige was wearing a shiny ankle bracelet. There was also a fish basket with a couple walleyes in it hanging off the dock.

    Paige’s feet weren’t far underwater, and she was kicking them a little bit. Five other people were sitting with her.

    Haldorson said all of a sudden, Paige “screamed bloody murder” and pulled her foot out of the water.

    According to Haldorson, the head and mouth of the fish also went flying out of the water. She said there was blood everywhere.

    Afterward, the fish stayed around the dock. Haldorson said her husband has fished Island Lake for 50 years, and he is confident it was around a 36-inch muskie.

    Haldorson said they live in a known muskie bay, and they have seen people catch half a dozen muskies in that area before.

    Paige is doing OK. Her husband is a first responder, so they cleaned up her cuts, and she did not need stitches. Haldorson said her daughter’s foot is still sore and swollen.

    She said they tried to catch the fish after the bite, but they couldn’t get it.

    They want others to be warned not to wear shiny jewelry in the water and not to keep a fish basket hanging off the dock.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3720

    Haldorson said they live in a known muskie bay, and they have seen people catch half a dozen muskies in that area before.

    The amount of boats in that bay may double after this article!

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    Now that looks like a Muskie bite.

    The first one….? rotflol rotflol not a chance!

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