I have got a mushroom that is growing out of a small tear in the floor covering on damp plywood caused by slight leak in toilet water supply line. I noticed it midday on May 25. It was about 3 in. tall and the cap was ball shapped then. Im pretty sure it wast there the day before. Approx 12 hours after I found it growing it had reached 4 and a quarter in. tall. The cap was now flattened on top with slight dome shape in center as well as a reddish coloration in the center. It is gilled underneath with a white/egg shell color everwhere else. Its stalk is slinder and apears to be covered in bumps. Since it just suddenly starded growing inside and at a fast rate my interest is now peaked. Please if anyone can shed some light on what kind of mushroom it is and why its growing where its at would be helpful. I can provide pics if needed. I live in far most part of southeast Alabama if that helps. THANKS.
Dustin Thomley
Posts: 1