Multitool with braid scissors

  • Riverrat
    Posts: 1822

    Been looking for a new multitool for a little while now, and I want it to have a pliers and braid scissors on it. Went to Scheels thinking as hard as they try to sell you something they might have some knowledge, but they just suggest a braid scissors separately. Any suggestions on a multitool that has good scissors that can cut even light braid and a pliers. Preferably lightweight.

    south metro
    Posts: 636

    I will try to remember to try mine after I get home from the dentist.

    Posts: 4362

    Buy a Snap-on pliers. No problem cutting braid. If it gets dull trade it for a new one.

    Posts: 1822

    Buy a Snap-on pliers. No problem cutting braid. If it gets dull trade it for a new one.

    The 8″ talon grip longnose? Or is there another model? This could be an option.

    Posts: 4362

    The 8 inch is what I keep in the boat now. Think I used to have a 6 inch but when it wouldnt cut line anymore Snappy guy said it was replaced with the bigger one so thats what he gave me. The little bigger is nice cause last year when I put a treble through by finger nail and had to push it through the other side of my thumb it cut the hook very easily.

    Posts: 81

    I’ve been enjoying this needle nose since I got it last fall. So far easily cutting braid for me. and the jaws are a bit thinner than most but sturdy for unhooking eyes and crappies.

    So far it’s my new favorite pliers in the boat. Not gonna cut heavy hooks with it though.

    Posts: 105

    I like a cutter vs. scissors for braid. The inexpensive rapala pliers with the small carbide cutter can cut braid like butter.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    Not a multi tool but the Line Cutterz brand has a few nice products that cut braid and anything else really nice.

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