MT Birds (and walleyes)

  • Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1390

    Heading to the Fort Peck area to hunt huns and sharpies for the week. Anyone have any experience out there this time of year? Would love some tips. The videos make it look easy but that is often deceiving. How about snakes – are they an issue in the prairies or only around rocks and water?

    We are bringing the boat so do plan to fish when it’s too hot to run the dog. Where do we begin for walleyes? Have plenty of intel for the lakers so might do that a little too.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    How about snakes – are they an issue in the prairies or only around rocks and water?

    The Prairie Rattlesnake is present there. I’ve never encountered one and I don’t know anyone who has, but that doesn’t mean you won’t. Be prepared just in case. Access to a vet if the dog is bitten might save the dog’s life. There is also a rattlesnake vaccine and its effective at reducing the severity. They are still active in September. Here’s some information not the Montana website.

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