Mr. buddy heater

  • andrew keller
    Posts: 18

    Went out this weekend and my Mr buddy won’t work. Its the sunflower style and when I push the button to get the gas to start flowing to get it lit nothing happens. Any ideas has anyone wad this problem before?

    Chance R.
    South Central S.D.
    Posts: 114

    Have you used it before or is this your first time? Used my buddies a couple weeks back and he suggested using a lighter to get it started because the spark typically wasn’t enough. Never burned my hand or anything and it worked…

    Cody hesseltine
    Posts: 112

    Have you used it before ? Iv had mine get moisture build up and then not work till I warmed it up and thawed out.

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    Tilt the unit forward when attempting to light it so the fuel rises against the front burner.

    Posts: 674

    You’re talking about the one with the round face that’s all metal right? Not the square burners encased in plastic?

    You might have a bad thermocouple. When my thermocouples went bad on those it usually meant I had to hold them in to keep them running, but a bad one might not let gas flow either if it’s broken internally.

    They are usually found in stores around the other Mr. Heater hoses and parts, and are simple to replace. Just screw them in if I remember correctly.


    andrew keller
    Posts: 18

    Yes the round one so I guess it would be a mr. Heater not a buddy. But I have used it before and it was in my heated garage the days before trip and inside cab of truck to the lake so I do not think that moisture froze up was the problem. Might have to try the thermocouple I too have had them go bad but never not allow any gas to flow just not stay flowing after lit. Thanks for the feedback!

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6101

    Could also be the tank. See this link on OPD valves on the new tanks. For instance, if you tipped the tank over on it’s side, you may have locked up the valve and no gas can flow out of the tank until the valve is re-set.


    Posts: 51

    Had this happen to me earlier this year. I’m assuming you are not getting any gas to come out at all? No hissing sound? Thats what mine did. take the two phillips screws out that holds the upper end of the thermocouple into the gas tube near the top of the unit. there is a plunger in there that is suppose to move when you press the button to light. I don’t know how its possible but that plunger was stuck on mine and would not allow any gas to pass through. Mine was fairly new and I got it to work while I was on the ice, but it happened a couple more times as well and I took it back. haven’t had any issues with the new one.

    andrew keller
    Posts: 18

    Will have to try that plunger first because yes no hissing and I tried two different bottles both worked on a partners heater that same day. What did you do to get it working? Just fiddle with it a little?

    Posts: 51

    basically once I opened it up it started working. I had the tank on and the valve open while I was unscrewing the screws(probably not wise) but as I started to pull the thermocouple out I heard it hiss so I knew the valve up top was working. I think the plunger probably gets cocked in the tube? I only messed with it that one day on the ice and got it working a couple times when it failed( I had turned it on and off a few times during the day) sometimes it worked on its own sometimes not. I figured screw it, I didn’t pay to have it work part time and just exchanged it.(I’m starting to lose patience with all the junk you buy nowdays that fails) I think if you took it apart and looked at how it operates you might be able to see what the problem is. might just need a touch of lube in that area. In fact I think the new one I got looked like it maybe had some sort of lube on the plunger that you push in.

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