He admitted he made it up….
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movie…….american sniper
Posts: 3010jreifsteck
Posts: 3January 31, 2015 at 5:55 pm #1505357Kyle lied. I think equal of both of them. Thanks to both for their service.
January 31, 2015 at 5:59 pm #1505359that’s not what the courts said, to the tune of $1.8M. This started as a thread about a movie… maybe a true story, maybe not. It is based on a book that has been proven to be inaccurate. Just proves, money corrupts all… even an American Sniper.
Posts: 3010January 31, 2015 at 6:03 pm #1505362that’s not what the courts said, to the tune of $1.8M.
and there was the travesty … as was referred to earlier in this thread, OJ didn’t kill Nicole either
Posts: 3010jeff_huberty
InactivePosts: 4941January 31, 2015 at 7:03 pm #1505389Just seen the movie.I think that if you choose to see it,your emotions will with help your personal opinions.
God Bless all of out American Soldiers.
January 31, 2015 at 7:18 pm #1505394Just seen the movie.I think that if you choose to see it,your emotions will with help your personal opinions.
God Bless all of out American Soldiers.
Very well stated. Regardless if it was Kyle or the “unknown”. These men and women need support from all of.us who enjoy our freedoms.
February 1, 2015 at 7:52 am #1505537Agreed, including Jesse…. nobody here knows what he has seen or done while serving his country.
February 1, 2015 at 9:07 am #1505555I didn’t like James Janos long before this whole deal. Thanks for your service, I still think your a douche. Please take your money and stay off the grid.
February 1, 2015 at 9:25 am #1505571Well James biggest hurdles were this.. he was elected by 37% of the population in MN… that leaves 63% negative. Then (I assume this is where you formed your well based opinions of him) you had Tom Bernard all pissed up on wine, on the KQ morning show, slamming him and making fun of him, during his entire tenure of being the governor. What do you “really” know about him…?
What has he done that formed your opinions of him really ? Was it his AWA antics ?
February 1, 2015 at 9:38 am #1505586The part that made me laugh about Jackwagon Ventura’s claim against Kyle was that Kyle’s allegations hindered Jessie’s career and therefore his livelyhood.
Ummm, what career would that be, exactly? Failed talk show host? Failed politican pundit? Ex-one-term governor?
Maybe there was a reunion with Adrian Adonis and the East-West Connection wrestling tag-team in the works and then the AWA got cold feat and scrapped it because they didn’t want to bring profession wrestling into disrepute?
Totally agree, the courts found OJ not guilty as well.
Biggest travesty to me was trying Kyle after he was dead. A little difficult for him to defened himself, don’t you think?
In reading the book, I found it more than little difficult to understand why Kyle would even bring Jessie up if it didn’t happen?
February 1, 2015 at 9:48 am #1505597Easy to sit back when it wasn’t you who was lied about in a book. Kyle was given the option by Jesse, to admit that it wasn’t true and he would drop it… the sniper declined and stood by his lie. (he was murdered during the active lawsuit… again, another “fact” that is out there incorrectly)
Why bring it up (make it up) ? to SELL BOOKS and get a movie deal ! (greed) People need to keep their emotions separate from fact… it is a movie based on a book found to have made up stories.
“First of all, I sued Kyle before his death. Unfortunately, he died. I wish he would have lived. I chose to go ahead because there was no retraction [from him or his publisher]. It was destroying my reputation. I lost my TV series, I could not get a job, and the lie was hurting me and my family immensely. It hurt my reputation in the military community, where I was now unwanted in the UTD SEAL association — all because of his lie,” Ventura said.
InactivePosts: 4941February 1, 2015 at 11:27 am #1505640Jesse has always controlled his desired image as it is perceive by the main stream public. From his wrestling career,in public office and life after his governorship.
His choices,at times odd,his decisions as governor,at times odd,his choices have always been odd and controversial, that was the game he played.He was always trying to portray himself as a hero,and has a hard time when no one sees him in that Self Portrayal he then lashes out.
Classic Narcissist
February 1, 2015 at 11:31 am #1505644You should never assume…except for the me part. I think Bernhardt is about the same level of jackass.
I informed my opinion of him the am place most people do, through court of public opinion and his public actions.
I appreciate him fighting for the right for me to for my own opinion of him.
The only way that will change is if one day he comes out and says his life actions, like wrestling, where just a show and to sustain an income.
Posts: 3010February 1, 2015 at 12:29 pm #1505672“He admitted he made it up”
“given the option to admit it wasn’t true … the sniper declined and stood by his lie”February 1, 2015 at 1:10 pm #1505695He wouldn’t retract the scruff face story was made up, but it was proven he made stories up in his book. Did you hear him boast about shooting and killing 2 would be carjackers ? Or him sitting near the Superdome after the hurricane, picking off (sniping) armed citizens of the United States ? OK
Posts: 3010February 1, 2015 at 10:35 pm #1505873Ventura clams it was not about the money that it was about restoring his reputation if that was true then why take the money after Kyle was dead? Why put Kyle’s widow through that? Yup Jesse is a real class act putting Kyle’s wife though more grief after losing her husband.
Posts: 331February 2, 2015 at 12:35 am #1505888He sued for money and nothing else.
Laughable if you believe he sued to clear his name and even more ridiculous if anyone thinks he lost his show over it!
“I move about with my TV show so that the drones can’t find me and you won’t know exactly where I am so long as I have solar power and we can reach the satellite,” Ventura responded.
February 9, 2015 at 10:33 am #1509006(Edit: I’m sorry I revived this thread — didn’t realize it hadn’t been responded to in several days)
February 9, 2015 at 11:00 am #1509021Then lets move this in another direction, but obscurely related….
I can’t believe Tom Petty got Sam Smith to “agree” to pay him royalties for his song stay with me.
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