Moultrie Trail Cam Issue

  • jake47
    Posts: 602

    I picked up an A20i when Gander Mountain had them on closeout and it worked ok for the first year. However, now when I try to power it up, it starts up but then appears to shut off. It is not taking pictures at this point. Anyone have this issue before? I am also unable to get it to install the new firmware, so perhaps that is why this is happening.

    It was super cheap, so I will just toss it if there isn’t an easy fix.

    Moultrie Problem

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12218

    I’m assuming you’ve changed the batteries made sure the camera is thawed out.

    With that, the only thing left to try is to disassemble the camera as much as you can to see if moisture has gotten in somehow and your electrical components are wet. How to do this, I can’t tell you on that model of Moultrie, but usually there’s a few screws to take out and then you can get into the guts of the cam.

    See if there’s visible moisture and then dry the camera out for a few days before re-assembly and then try it again.

    Otherwise, contact Moultrie. If it’s only a year old, they may warranty it.


    Posts: 107

    I have a similar Moultrie of yours and while you can’t see anything on the display screen after awhile, I believe it’s still taking pictures or at least, that’s what mine does. I had an issue with one of my older Moultrie’s and called them to see what they would suggest or help with. Turns out, Moultrie has gotten rid of their repair department because people were refusing to pay for the repairs because it was just as much as a new camera.

    Long story short, they gave me a 50% discount code for a camera on their site directly. I thought that was doable considering the camera was an older model.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    I have a similar Moultrie of yours and while you can’t see anything on the display screen after awhile, I believe it’s still taking pictures or at least, that’s what mine does.

    Same here. Never liked the screen cause it was hard to tell if it was on or not.

    Forget the updates IMO.

    Try the card in a different camera if you have one. I had this exact one sitting in the woods for a month with no pics. Turns out the chip suddenly went corrupt.
    Good luck

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