Motorguide Xi5 Issues

  • sitsylt
    Posts: 2

    Howdy folks. I’m having some issues with my Xi5 and thought I’d reach out to see if anyone has had similar issues. I have the GPS module, but have never used (any don’t know how) any functions outside of the GPS anchor. I have updated my Lowrance units and it does not look like my serial is in the range that requires the latest update.

    Firstly is my lag and erratic behavior issue. There is a lag between the input to the pedal and when the motor turns, and it is very inconsistent with input. It constantly goes off with a mind on its own and has erratic behavior like continuing to turn left long after the foot is removed from the pedal. This makes the unit very aggravating to use, but I have at least been able to make due and pull my foot off when it goes crazy to let it do its thing. I will note that when using the handheld remote there is no lag whatsoever.

    Secondly, I had some issues connecting the pedal to the TM. This is the second pedal for this unit, the first being replaced by the original owner (which is my fishing partner). I have figured this one out with much help from online forums – it does not connect using ‘official’ means, but there is a special quirk to it where if I hold down the sync buttons while applying power to the TM, the operation is successful.

    Now those have been annoying, but my third issue is the worst as it keeps me off the water. My Xi5 now will not turn left while using the pedal. When using the hand remote everything works flawlessly without lag, this is what makers me think the control board is fine. When using the pedal, however, all works fine outside of the erratic issues detailed above for about 5-10 minutes, and then it goes into a ‘studder mode’ where it does not want to turn left. It looks like it is trying but it is studdering. This does not seem to be a result of the mechanical discs / caps. There is nothing moving or spinning left at all.

    I can confirm that I do have the newer iteration of the control board with the white filling. Everything on the control board and pedal’s control board seems to be connected securely and the batteries in the pedal have been changed multiple times throughout troubleshooting.

    Has anyone had similar issues as detailed above and can provide any insight as to what might fix these issues? I’d hate to throw $400-500 in parts at this thing for it to not solve anything.

    Posts: 24606

    Sorry, I havent ever used my pedal. It sounds like the pedal is the problem though whether there is something faulty with it itself or poor batteries. Id start with batteries and work from there.

    Posts: 2

    I appreciate the reply. I get a sense just from various videos and forum posts that many people do not use their pedal with the Xi5. How in the heck do you guys move along down the bank with one hand while fishing which takes two hands? I can’t seem to figure out a system that works.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    I have also never even touched my pedal. And I’m a caster

    Rogers, MN
    Posts: 1178

    The best solution I found with my Xi5 was to get rid of it and got to an Ultrex. I had nothing but unhappiness with my Xi5.

    Posts: 2687

    Call motor clinic in Bloomington.

    Posts: 24606

    How in the heck do you guys move along down the bank with one hand while fishing which takes two hands? I can’t seem to figure out a system that works.

    I use the cruise control and heading lock features. If I am following a shoreline casting I just point the motor in the direction I want to go and set heading lock. Make subtle adjustments with the arrows as I go along.

    Cody Meyers
    Posts: 466

    I’ll chime in here because it’s a love hate relationship that I have with my Xi5. I love to hate it, I’ll never own another. none of the extra features work, and the simplest most basic features work half the time.

    If I wasn’t so cheap I’d burn it in some sort of weird ritual and then give my hard earned money to MinnKota.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    I bought my xi5 from a older guy who had it come on his boat new. I paid 400 bucks for it and it seen water once. It had never given me a single issue and I’ll knock on wood that it continues to work properly. It now has a lot of hours in the couple years I’ve used it. And all the features I need it to do it does really well.

    Rick Janssen
    Posts: 342

    I have the same model but like others here I hardly use my foot pedal. One of the reason I don’t use my foot pedal is I am not able to control my boat as precisely as I can with the fob. I agree that the foot pedal tends to lag more and is jerky. With that being said, I put some of that on ME since I don’t use it often enough to get good at it. I have also used a MK trolling motor with a wireless foot pedal and I had the same problem, so for me it seems like operator error. It is one of the reasons I miss the old cable drive. I am like others and use the auto control to go down a shore line or other features. I love those.

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