Motorguide Xi5 – 80Lb – 24v

  • Gerrit Lefebure
    Posts: 3


    A few weeks ago I bought a Motorguide Xi5 – 80lb.. I use this motor in combination with Lowrance HDS units..

    Now I’m trying to figure out all the features of it and this is what I noticed:

    When I create a “route on map” on my HDS, start this route (Motorguide in navigation mode) the motor doesn’t follow the route correctly.. (See image in attachment).

    Anyone who knows what the issue might be? Is this normal?

    Kind regards


    1. image-5.jpg

    Posts: 24516

    Is the hds unit and the xi5 in close proximity to one another? Since there is a gps inside the xi5 and if your hds is several feet away that might be part of the problem. Not sure, I haven’t used the follow route feature much.

    Gerrit Lefebure
    Posts: 3

    For the moment it isn’t and.. Currently I’m not using the GPS sonar of the Xi5.. Maybe it would work when I use the sonar of the Xi5?

    Posts: 24516

    My main thought is that the further your hds and xi5 are apart the more disparity you will see. Basically the hds is telling the xi5 the route but the xi5 uses its own gps to navigate based on input from the hds unit.
    If there is a way to have the hds next to the xi5 and run the test I think you should have much better results.

    Posts: 33

    You could try lowereing your XTE and arrival or limit radius to .01 as suggested on a different posting. I tried it on mine and it seems to hold a line better than before.

    Gerrit Lefebure
    Posts: 3

    @ Captain, I will try
    @ Catfish.. Where do I find those settings?

    Thank you in advance!

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