Having a weird phenomenon with my new boat and wondering if anyone has ever experienced anything similar. Its a 165 Classic with a Honda 50hp
Went through the break in period and everything has run fine. Now after I am running at 4,000 RPM and come off plane, the motor will start to bog or pulse like its not getting enough gas. I also noticed it yesterday after hitting a few larger waves as I was running between 3-4K RPMs. After the vibration of the waves, it did the same thing.
If I go back and pump the bulb, everything works fine again. I can get back on plane, run around, idle, etc for another 15 minutes and then it happens again, typically after coming off plane.
Already brought it back to the dealer, but curious if anyone else has experienced something similar? Gas pressure issue or bad gas line? Don’t think the service counter guy was interested in listening to my story of the issue, just wanted to get my information down and move me along.