Mossberg .243 youth rifle

  • Pat K
    Empire, MN
    Posts: 944

    Does anyone have any experience or knowledge about these rifles? I’m looking for a rifle for my 12 year old grandson. He’s small for his age so I’m looking at youth models. I found one of these used Mossberg’s for a decent price but I’m not a fan of Mossberg shotguns and have no knowledge about their rifles. It seems to be a simple but solid gun but only a few reviews online.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12597

    What youth model is it. They have had a few different ones over the years. I have a buddy who purchased a Patriot in 308 for his daughter. He thought it was a great gun for the price point and said it shot EXCELLENT groups right out of the box with factory ammo.

    Posts: 9311

    I’m going back and forth on selling my Marlin youth .243. Where are you located?

    Pat K
    Empire, MN
    Posts: 944

    What youth model is it. They have had a few different ones over the years. I have a buddy who purchased a Patriot in 308 for his daughter. He thought it was a great gun for the price point and said it shot EXCELLENT groups right out of the box with factory ammo.

    It is the patriot in the .243

    I’m going back and forth on selling my Marlin youth .243. Where are you located?

    Farmington MN

    Posts: 875

    We have a Mossberg .243 bolt. My son used it from 12-17 yrs old. With a good scope on it it’s been a tack driver. He shot over a dozen of deer with that gun over those years. It doesn’t get used much anymore but I hate to get rid of it since it’s so user friendly and fully set up.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I just did a semi custom build 243 for my neighbor. I get her a Boyd all in one adjustable cheek and butt. She’s 9 with little T-Rex arms. It’s about 1/4” long for her now, but by next year perfect and it will grow with her

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    Pat K
    Empire, MN
    Posts: 944

    Beautiful work Randy

    Posts: 3319

    That is sweet looking Randy. Great work. You’re a hell of a great neighbor to have around. waytogo waytogo

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    That is sweet looking Randy. Great work. You’re a hell of a great neighbor to have around. waytogo waytogo

    When Armageddon comes, I’ll be the neighbor that everyone thinks they’re going to. I’m training those I’ll admit in

    Red Eye
    Posts: 1005

    I just did a semi custom build 243 for my neighbor. I get her a Boyd all in one adjustable cheek and butt. She’s 9 with little T-Rex arms. It’s about 1/4” long for her now, but by next year perfect and it will grow with her

    How do you determine LOP on a youth shooter? Or anyone for that matter?

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    How do you determine LOP on a youth shooter? Or anyone for that matter?

    Arm out and bent up 90 degrees at the elbow. Measure inside (crease of elbow) to 1st joint in trigger trigger finger. There are other methods that work too and all get you to a similar measurement. I like this method less 1/4″.

    Pat K
    Empire, MN
    Posts: 944

    I bought the Mossberg. My grandson can’t wait for some target practice.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262

    I think this is a good rifle for several reasons. First off, it will fit a young shooter and fit IMO is EVERYTHING when it comes to a young hunter being able to shoot better. And even more important, be able to enjoy shooting!

    And don’t let anyone tell you the .243 isn’t enough gun for deer. I use a 243 and have one for a loaner at our farm for guest hunters. Spped kills. With a 90 grain Nosler BT myself and multiple other hunters of varying experience have dropped a dozen deer in their tracks. It is plenty of gun for whitetails and the mild recoil helps all kinds of people shoot better.

    Pat K
    Empire, MN
    Posts: 944

    In my last post I forgot to thank everyone that replied.
    Thank you all for the input!

    Posts: 527

    The finish/bluing on these cheaper rifles is poor at best. I’d find an older (early 2000’s or older) Remington adl in .243 and drop it in a youth stock. They can grow into the adult stock as well. I’m a buy once cry once guy

    Pat K
    Empire, MN
    Posts: 944

    The finish/bluing on these cheaper rifles is poor at best. I’d find an older (early 2000’s or older) Remington adl in .243 and drop it in a youth stock. They can grow into the adult stock as well. I’m a buy once cry once guy

    This rifle hopefully will be passed through 5 grandkids so it would be awhile before one would get a chance to grow into it.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Just add to Grouse’s comments about fit. The pic of my bench group at 200yrds is very pleasing. Did the break in and have about 120 rounds through it. Tested and repeat, and consistency is awesome at just over 3000fps. Her target load is set V-max over 4064. Dad dint want pics of her out publicly, but 9 years old, 200 yrds, and shooting with a tripod – she is ready!!!! Still working on her Barnes tsx 85gr hunting load. Holing about 7/8” at 200. I want it just a bit tighter. Regardless, it will kill

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    3. 25CB040E-E34B-4C7B-A9DC-BE85A3FC6EEB.jpeg

    Robert Harris
    Posts: 5

    Mossberd .243 is a pretty good beginner rifle. If you son gets confident at it, it’s going to be pretty easy to transition to higher caliber hunting rifles later on.

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