Morning Coffee

  • Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Most everyone I know likes a cup or six of morning coffee. How they like to drink it is probably as broad a topic as choosing a truck to drive, but how about brewing your morning fix. How do you get it done?

    The Bunn we’ve had for about 6 years finally went south and that’s after the one re-build for $25.00 that Bunn allows. Considering the re-build, the Bunn was about 11 years old. The one before that was about the same age. Given the long service we went shopping for another Bunn and found one for just under $85.00. They’d gone up a bit from the $50.00 or so spent originally. But we went the Bunn route again because of the service. I don’t like the way the urn with the new one pours, but the coffee is immaculate.

    What do you make your coffee with?

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    Tom,I get my morning/daily caffeine fix out of a green can,simple to use..just pop the top and drink.

    Best served at around that 36F-38F degree mark !

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I’m only recently become a coffee drinker. I became one because they got a coffee vending machine at work. They had decent coffee in there until about a week ago and not it tastes like manure.

    I’ve been brewing my own at home using the wife’s Keurig. Work great but I wonder how much it’s costing us yo use those k cups.

    And btw, I was a regular energy drink drinker and have finally given that up. Those things only make you feel more tired and sluggish.

    gary d
    Posts: 1125

    Bunn is the way to go. I have repaired a few Bunn’s myself when they started to leak water. I’ve taken the lid off to replace the rubber gasket that hold the water back. That way you get a few more years out of them!!! For a treat we use Dunkin Dounut coffee-Hummmmm!!!

    Dave Lozier
    Amherst, WI
    Posts: 957

    French press with beans ground with a burr grinder. Hitting the recommended 200 degree temp isn’t always spot on though if I’m being lazy about it. lol

    Posts: 6687

    Well, in sitting in the boat right now.

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    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I have a grinder and will buy beans to run thru it. When I first got the grinder I tried just about all of the supposedly good beans and found some that tasted like they were fresh out of a rabbit the second time around. The Dunkin Donut beans are great for a taste treat once in a while.

    Stan Jenson
    sw wisconsin
    Posts: 178

    We’ve only ever used Bunn but we also have the Keurig single cup brewer. Our coffee of choice is 8 o’clock 100% columbian fresh ground for every pot.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    FBRM, where do you go when you have to… go?

    Dave Lozier
    Amherst, WI
    Posts: 957

    FBRM, where do you go when you have to… go?

    There’s another thermos for that? D

    Dave Lozier
    Amherst, WI
    Posts: 957

    8 o’clock colombian peaks (100% arabica beans) is good. I try a lot of different coffees but keep coming back to that one for ease of access and taste. (it’s at walmart)

    Lavazza is good to but it has to be 100% arabica – they like to blend the robusta beans in. Target carries Lavazza but that’s been hit and miss for me.

    Robusta beans are more bitter but the plant is much more hardier so it’s cheaper to produce.

    The scientists (probably all coffee drinkers) are working hard on making hardier coffee plants that produce better tasting coffee.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    The ladies at the house make a strong pot of coffee. Good for getting you going, but the flavor is a little over done.

    Speaking of McDonald’s fries, I love their coffee.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    X 2 on Mac’s coffee while on the road.

    FW drinks pisswater. I’ve at times added instant to it.

    At the camper I run the Keurig at anywhere from .80 to $1.40 a cup and my “cup” holds two cups. I’ve tried a number of single servings and have found one that I would call a 10 yet.

    I thought the price of a K cup was out of line but once I figured out how much coffee was going down the drain it’s pretty comparable.

    I’m a percolator fan by heart. But the K cups are clean, quick and the same every time.

    AND Ms Trumar stops over for coffee or hot chocolate in the mornings frequently. )

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    The more Carmel the better! Should have said something!

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    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Is that a spam k cup? You wish.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Matt, there’s a hockey game on.

    Art Green
    Posts: 733

    My favorite is Juan Valdez 100% Colombian purchased by the suitcase full whenever I get to Colombia on business. Thankfully, Juan vacuum seals all the beans and they keep well in the freezer until I grind them and press fresh in the morning. Make it STRONG and it is velvet smooth and tasty!☕️

    Dave Lozier
    Amherst, WI
    Posts: 957

    Hmmm… goes to Columbia on “business trips”… Brings back suitcases full of… coffee?

    I’m no expert but I think you’re doing it wrong. lol ;)

    I may have to give his coffee a try. I forget which brand it was (Folgers?) that used to have him (or an actor portraying him) in their commercials. That sort of made me not consider his coffee.

    Posts: 53

    Aeropress every morning. It is also portable. We have used it many times out on the lake.

    I have tried many coffee methods, but keep going back to the aeropress as it consistently makes a great cup of coffee.


    Dave Lozier
    Amherst, WI
    Posts: 957

    @NowthenJoe – I’ve seen Aeropress mentioned before (with some discussions) If I remember correctly there was some debate over the filter not being a stainless screen so the flavor differed between the two. Have you tried both and was there one you thought was better?

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I have a hard time thinking of a more enjoyable and relaxing aroma than freshly ground beans and coffee made from them.

    Posts: 71

    Dang it! I guess the next time my Bunn dies, I’ll have to buy one in Minnesota. Just bought one Friday in Hays Kansas for 109 and change. Still worth it though.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I have a hard time thinking of a more enjoyable and relaxing aroma than freshly ground beans and coffee made from them.

    True, like the coffee area of the grocery store…but at my camper the Spam smell graciously drowns out the fresh bean smell.

    Tom, we’ll have to start a favorite coffee cup thread. )

    Posts: 53

    @JustDave, I have only used the paper filters with my Aeropress. I will typically just do a quick rinse of the filter with hot water and that seems to remove any filter taste. The paper filters are super cheap and I think the inventor of the Aeropress even said he would use a paper filter up to 10 times before disposing of it.

    The only “problem” I have had with the Aeropress is that it is a single cup coffee maker. I still keep my french press handy if I am having company over.


    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Tom, we’ll have to start a favorite coffee cup thread.

    I’ve already posted mine.

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