More insight please. Charles daly superior II 20. O/U?

  • robby
    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2841

    So going through things and found a shotgun that I sorta forgot about. It is a Charles Daly Superior II 20 ga. O/U with 26 inch tubes. Made in Italy. Single selective gold plated trigger. Auto ejectors. Blued tubes. Fixed imp cyl under mod bores. Coin finished receiver. Made in Italy. I hunted this gun only a couple times on quail, pheasant, and bunnies. Cute, light, nimble shotgun. Anyone have any idea as to the age or value of this safe queen? Seems like decent quality but not like my old Remington O/Us.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12246

    Charles Daly is a brand, not a manufacturer, and as a brand it has been passed around like a hot potato since the 1970s. Build quality has been highly variable depending on the owner.

    Generally, most consider the best Daly guns of the modern era to be the ones built by Miroku in Japan, I believe most if not all of the Japanese Daly’s were built in the 1970s.

    Your Superior, I believe, was contract manufactured in Italy for an American distributor that owned the brand from the late 1970s to the mid-1990s. I had to look this up and did not find any really good sources, but several websites say Outdoor Sports Inc. in Ohio was the owner/importer then. The Superior models were produced at intervals in the mid-1980s to early 1990s, so tough to date your gun exactly. I found no online listings to date by serieal number but I didn’t look that hard.

    Daly the brand has been sold again and again and the most recent owner of the brand makes everything in Turkey and has gotten into all kinds of combat style firearms. This has had a drag on the overall brand name as they had some real stinkers early in the Turkish production era.

    Value? Very tough to find good “real sales” value data on this one.

    Mainly you have to look at similar offerings from other brands to get even a guesstimate range. Mossberg and CZ had similar O/U on the market. Assuming NRA condition “Very Good” or “Excellent” I’m going to guess you may be able to get $450-550 on a private party sale, but IMO demand will be scarce and this won’t be a quick seller. Realistically, if you wanted to sell, I think you’d have to take less if you wanted to sell it somewhat quickly. This could be a good fit for a consignment auction or you could test the waters with an online auction site.

    As usual, anything COULD happen. There may be one buyer out there looking to find a gun “just like uncle Fred’s” and be willing to pay anything for it. The probelm with guns from importer-owned brands like Daily is there was so much variation in production and quality so pricing is wildly inconsistent.


    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2841

    Thanks everyone. Grouse the importer was Outdoor Sports.

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