Here’s the latest on what’s going on along the river. I drove by the road that goes along the river and the levee that seperates you from seeing the river. In the last two days they have made earth dams in any area where water may come through. The bigger concrete laying companies have their concrete delivery telescoping conveyer trucks working there. What their doing is taking these collapseable no. 9 wire foldable containers with liners and placing them side by side and filling them with sand. They put one of these containers next the last one, open it up with the liner inside and then those concrete conveying trucks fill them with sand. These wire containers are about 3′ square and 4′ high. they have put two wide on the bottom and one on top of those two in the center, so about an 8′ tall wall now. In two days they have put hundreds, if not a few thousand of them on top of the existing levee and anywhere where the water may come through. Down some streets, on top of levees and around building close to the river is where their placing them.
Their building up some of the existing levees with dirt that I hope their going to leave there and plant grass on them. Dozers are all along the river pushing dirt. With what I seen two days ago and what I just seen makes me think they have got to be working 24-7. Its amazing what work can be achieved when its necessary. Lots of portable lighting systems in place I’m sure to build these barriers and probably to maintain them when the waters high to check for leaks.
I seen a pretty inspiring thing while helping a buddy sandbag his place with the sandbags we just went and got with my truck. A truck full of sandbags came around the corner and another truck loaded with people in the back was behind it. They were going door to door asking if the residents wanted to have their house sandbagged for free. The amount of people in those trucks they could have bagged the normal house in that area in maybe an hour. While we were filling bags a guy come over to us and asked if we needed a truckload of bags. He said people had volunteered to drive bags to anyone who needed them. Evidently that’s where those two trucks full of people and bags came from.
The sandbagging area we were at filling our bags had probably 3 too 4 hundred people filling and bagging sand for anyone who needed them, half of the 500 car parking lot was full of volunteers cars. We were there maybe 20 minutes and seen two sand trucks deliver new sand and the guy there said they had been doing that every since they started the bagging site about a week ago, all day and all night.
Its pretty impressive to see what they have done this time with all of the work that’s been done and the amount of equipment that’s down along the river still working, a major building project to say the least, dozens of tandem dump trucks, big concrete conveying equipment, cranes, dozers and endloaders by the dozens. The towns in a lot better shape then it was in 08. This will probably tell them where to continue building the levee project they were undecided on.